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"What happened" Margret asked no one in particular as she slowly sat up in her bed.

It really was a silly question since the memory of her daughter being snatched away from her was still fresh. she looked away from her sister's chubby face and around the small room hoping to find her daughter smiling at her but the only other person in the room aside from her sister was a man in a long white coat clutching a notepad close to his chest. He must be a doctor, Margret thought, but what was a doctor doing in her house?

Margret's lips quivered with sudden realization, a tear escaped from her eye, she looked up at her sister expecting her to say her daughter, Georgia, was okay but Agatha, her sister, looked away trying to avoid her gaze.

"No" Margret whispered, pulling her knees to her chest and sobbing lightly.

"No!" she said again, louder this time, she choked on a sob. She felt her sister's arms wrap around her, trying to comfort her but it only made her sob more. Tears fell from her eyes as she called her daughter's name as if saying it will bring her back.

Agatha left her sister's side to go talk to the doctor outside, leaving Margret alone in the room.

"He took her, didn't he?" Margret asked her sister when she was back. Agatha sat beside her nodding slightly. Margret shook her head, there was nothing she could do now, her bastard husband must have gone far by now, calling the police would be a waste of time but Margret still felt like she could have done something about it, if she was aware of the kind of person Costa was, she would have never married him.

"That bastard" Margret said, regret evident in her voice. 

"You fell unconscious right there on the road, I had to get help from one of your neighbors. I called the doctor right after that, you looked so sick" Agatha told her sister.

Margret couldn't deny the fact that she has been feeling very sick lately.

"The doctor said he'd carry out some tests to see what's wrong" Agatha said.

 Margret couldn't help but feel empty, there's nothing she could do about it know, her daughter was long gone.

"I can't let my daughter grow up with that man, he is dangerous" Margret complained.

"You already said it, there is nothing we can do now, let's just hope for good news and maybe it'd come" Agatha reassured her.


A few days later Agatha came with some test result. 

Margret was in the kitchen when Agatha burst through the door waving a paper in her hand. Margret cringed at the sound of the door slam against the wall, she turned to look at her sister who was standing at the door smiling back at her. Margret wondered how Agatha can be so happy and full of energy since she was two months pregnant.


"I'm pregnant?" Margret asked confused.

"Yes, see for yourself" Agatha said and quickly came into the kitchen and handed the papers to Margret.

Agatha was right, the pregnancy test result says positive. A small smile settled over Margret's lips. Since the day her husband left with her daughter this was the first good thing that happened. It's another chance, a chance to start over again.

Margret was happy, it was meant to be a new beginning, but bad things just kept on happened. A few months later Agatha dies giving birth to her son, Caleb. Margret was broken, with her pregnancy days nearing an end, things were more hectic for her. her sister's death left her with the responsibility of a child and after she gave birth, she had two little children to look after.

And that was the new beginning for Margret. Eight months after her husband took her daughter, Georgia, she is left with two babies, no sister, no husband, just her and her two babies.



I deleted the former prologue and replaced it with this one. Hope you like it!


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