chapter 1: New Student? That's odd.

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My mother had always told me, in life you have to risk something to gain something. I always ignored her, but today I think it's finally time to risk it, I'm tired of waiting, the same thing happens every day but today it's going to be different, today I take a risk.

I glanced at the silver watch on my right wrist. Caleb told me to stop wearing the watch on my right hand because, according to him, nobody does that. 

He'll see.

I took one last deep breath and prepared my eyes for the worst. I turned the knob and pushed the door open.

" Caleb, I've had enou-"

" AHH! " Caleb screeched before I could complete my sentence. I know I'd have done the same if I were him.

He was shaving his underarms, so now his arms are halfway down, and he has a horrified expression on his face (I'm sure I had one too), I could see the thick bush of dark hair under his arms from where I stood. He should learn how to lock his door.

" AHH! " This time, it's me. I immediately regret taking this risk, I'm scarred for life now.

" WHY ARE YOU HERE! " He exclaimed horrified.

" I came to tell you we're late for school! " I say maintaining my current state of cringe. We stared at each other for a moment longer mirroring each other's expressions and then I slowly close the door. The door clicked shut and then from inside the room I hear Caleb scream.

He's such a weirdo, it made me wonder if my late aunt Agatha (his mom) was like that too.  

I decided to go to the kitchen and wait for him there, the little experience definitely scarred me for life.

Moral lesson: don't enter Caleb's room until he gives you permission.


I sat in the kitchen questioning my life decisions a bit longer when I noticed movements. I turned and saw a red-faced Caleb at the kitchen door. I feel my face heat up as I remember entering his room, but thanks to my dark skin it didn't show.

" Are you done?" I asked. I know it was a silly question to ask but I couldn't help but ask, I thought it would take quite a while to cut down all that hair. 

His face became even redder when I asked, that was the reaction I wanted. I loved to taunt Caled he was the only person I could annoy since the only other person that lived here was my mom.

"let's go" Caled said leaving the kitchen with a bottle of water.

I followed him out the door and locked the door behind me, mom was out at work and wouldn't be back till nighttime, so I had to lock the doors.

Caled and I walked down the sidewalk to the bus stop silently, usually when we walk to school his mouth runs faster than teenagers on black Friday, but I guess he was recovering from embarrassment so I let him keep quiet and I did the talking like a good cousin should.

" But why did you let it grow that much?" I asked gently. Caleb didn't seem to appreciate my care, his face burnt red, and he stormed off, he knew I wouldn't drop the matter.

I allowed him to go on until we reach the bus stop and just in time too, the bus came, and we boarded. I had a feeling Caleb wasn't going to talk to me for the rest of the day.


When we got to school Caleb went away as fast as possible, I guess he didn't realize we had classes together and we lived in the same house, he couldn't run from me. 

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