always watching

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Shi's Office
NorthSide, Los Campos

Ka-chink Ka-chink

The flash hit the models face as she switched poses. The photographer compliments "You look beautiful! I think that's enough pics for now."

A brunette woman waved over the model "Kiki I have the latest gossip about what is going on around here."

She rolled her eyes "Carly I love you okay you're my partner in crime but do you really think I care about what's going on around here. I'm here for me and to run this business I don't have time
to be hearing about everyone else."

Carly tried to pull Kiki aside again "I- It- It's good though really good. It has to do with Mr.Wang's new business partner..."

Kiki stopped and turned around slowly "He what? Who is it?"

"Well" she giggled "I heard it's someone you use to work with."

"Someone I used to work with? This is the first project I've done in a long time..." She paused and gasped "No- You don't mean."

"I don't know for sure but."

Kiki cut off Carly "Carly you better not be lying to me because you know me and you know I will take action."

"Oh definitely but if anything we could just stay out of it and just observe."

Kiki laughed "Yeah right. I'm going to handle it."

She made her way up to Shi's office. Her heels clicked into the elevator and she radiated with elegance.

She flew past the secretary with purpose and knocked on his door. A faint "come in" answered.

Shi stopped writing and looked up to see who was there "Ahh yes Ms.Kiki what can I do for you?"

She stood and tapped her nails at the front of his desk "So I heard you have a new business partner?"

Shi stopped and his eyes narrowed "Why does that have anything to do with you."

"Because I work here too and I think if new people are coming in then I or um we should know about it."

He sighed "Kiki you don't even work here. Your business is here. Diamond Beauty is here. I'm your investor not your business partner."

"Okay but even if you invested in another company we shouldn't know the competition." She argued

He dropped his pen "This isn't something you should be bothering me about. I am working on something and you should be working on something too because if I saw it right you're having a shoot today for Diamond skin care."

She mumbled under her breath

Shi continued "Even then I don't know where you heard this information but business will always be confidential."

She sighed "Okay I mean if that's your story..."

"You're on thin ice right now. I recommend you leave now and next time come to me when you have an actual issue." Shi made stern

After leaving she grabbed her phone that was held by her bra strap and started typing aggressively.
Meet in our office as soon as possible. major
things to discuss <3 xoxo kiki

Carly and some other girls entered their lounge area on their floor
"Hey we got your text; what's up?" Carly asked

Kiki tapped her fingernails on the desk then turned to Carly "You know what really irritates me...that business is filled with snakes even the people you can trust are snakes and won't tell you that your enemies are now working among us."

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