•💞Our Special Place💞•

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Title: •💞Our Special Place💞•
Ship: Mailey (Milly x Hailey) or Hilly
Type: Angst, Then fluff ❤️‍🔥

(*Note*: This is my first ever fanfic!)

Milly's POV:
I step out of the classroom and express my signature smile. Finally! Lunch is here, and I can get to rehearsal. Maths was a drag, and I can't wait to see Hailey... and, uh the rest of the club. They matter too.

I give up caring about getting in trouble, and run down the hallway. No rules can ruin my good mood. I'll get lunch later, but for now... all that matters is my sleek, fire-pattern electric guitar. I can almost hear it calling to me, I swear. I'm not crazy, I'm just deliriously full of joy.

I'm almost at the music room, when I hear voices I recognise. I slow down. Turning my head towards the girls bathroom, I see...

Oh fuck.

It's Zoey and Lia.

I try to edge towards my destination without them noticing me. They're too busy gossiping to see me, and I make it a good few meters before someone runs into me.

I crash intro the floor, my head spinning. I turn around to give whoever tripped me up a friendly word or two, but they're already getting ready to leave. It's Stacy, a hurried look on her face.

"OMG! I'm so, so sorry..." she mumbles half heartedly, picking up her books. "Hope your ok, got to go..."

But my attention is way past her. It's on Zoey and Lia, who are looking at me, and snickering like the snakes they are. It's obvious they've seen me, and I'm pretty sure they won't just let me go. I'm fact, as I hastily try to regain my balance, I can see Zoey striding over towards me.

Swearing under my breath, I prepare myself for their tormenting.

"Hey, short shit," Lia hisses, hate spitting out of her mouth. I ignore her, and walk towards the music room. But it's clear that they're not going to let that happen. Zoey grabs my rist, and twists me towards her. "Where the hell do you think you're going?"

I try to break free, but her grip is tight. "Fuck off, Zoey, and let me go". She simply looks at me and laughs, clearly amused. "You lesbian freak. Stay on the floor where you belong."
Zoey then pushes me down, and I flail to the ground.

"Come on, Zoey, we have better things to do." Lia remarks, as they start to walk away. To be honest, I'd probably have been fine. I may have been a little pissed, but I'd have pushed it off and gone to music. If it wasn't for that one thing Zoey said as she stormed off.

"It's no surprise that your parents left you."

I gag, failing for words. But it doesn't matter. I'm all alone in the corridor. And I'm mad. I don't want to go the club anymore, knowing that I'll just snap at them when I'm like this. So grudgingly, I step up. I know where I need to go.

You see, there's this place behind the school. If you push behind the sheds, there's a small, concrete area with a high brick wall behind. No one apart from me knows it exists, and even though it's small, it's perfect. Ever since I found it, I've been sheltering there when I'm mad. Just to blow off steam. Actually, it really helps.

But when I get there today, there's something different. I see a shadow against the bricks, wait...

Someone's there.

I run in, and whoever it is turns around. My eyes widen in shock. Whoever I thought it would be, i would never think of her. It's Hailey, standing there, sadness in her eyes.


She looks beautiful. Well, she always looks beautiful, but with the sun reflecting off her face, she reminded me of an angel.

"What are you doing here?" I finally manage to say.

"I-I," she gulps, clearly struggling for words. "I like to come here to blow off steam. To calm myself."

I smile at her. "It's the same for me, actually. Strange, huh?"

She smiles at me, and my heart lights up. I feel blush creeping up to my cheeks, and try to hide it from my face. I go to lean against the wall next to her.

We stay silent for a while.

Until, Hailey breaks the ice. "I wish- I wish someone would love me."

I turn towards her. "Huh?"

She looks at me. And I mean really looks at me. "I don't think- I don't feel that, yknow, any girl would actually want a music freak like me."

Her words break my heart. How could she say that? How could she say such a thing? I know I need to say something, something that will change her mind.

"I know that's not true." The words come out of my mouth before I can stop them.

Hailey looks at me, on the verge of tears. "How would you know that?"

I contemplate whether or not I should say it. Then I look into Haileys eyes, and I realise, she needs it. I walk towards her, feeling confident.

"Because this girl already loves you."

And before I think, I'm kissing her. It only lasts a few seconds, but it could've lasted a life time. It was enough to melt my brain, to set my heart on fire. It was only my first kiss, yet some part of me also wished it would be my last, my only. Nothing could compare to this.

I pulled away after I see that her eyes are open. Did she... Is she upset at me? I look down. That would be reasonable. I should have asked her, Milly, you idiot!

But then she smiles, a soft gentle smile. I feel warm under her gaze and slowly, smile back.

Then with a quick wink, I straighten up and stride away from our special, own place. 💞

Word count: 1003
Note: Wooo! Ok so this was super lazy 😣 Do yall have any requests for next time??

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