•Incorrect Quotes•

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Yall it's 2AM and I'm bored af
Cant be bothered to write a oneshot so take these incorrect quotes 😌:

TMF on Twitter:
Stacy: My friends have 24 hours to expose me in the comments.
24 hours later: *no comments*
Stacy: I guess there's just nothing to expose about me, I'm perfect 😌
Zander: No, you just don't have any friends.

Drew, drunk: hEy tHeRE bEauTiFuL
Zoey: (Looking at phone) Yeah?
Drew: aRe yOU sINglE
Zoey: (Looks up from phone) Why no actually
Drew: oH OK 😏
*1 hour later*
Drew: Hol up-

Hailey: Guys, I think we should donate the club money to charity
Zander: And why?
Hailey: I found this really amazing mental health charity. I mean, none of us can relate because our mental health is fine but-
Jake: My best friends hate me because I hang out with my other best friends who hate my best friends so they hate me and basically everyone hates me.
Zander: I tell everyone I'm allergic to milk, because whenever I go near it I scream: "dADDy yOu nEVer cAMe bAcK" and have a breakdown for the next hour until Luke comes to comfort me
Luke: According to Mother Rosy I literally have no family or relatives
Milly: I use my optimism to hide the fact I cry myself to sleep
Sean: I'm just brocken lol
Hailey: ...
Hailey: Anyways, so-

Luke and Zander working on a school project:
Luke: Cmon Zander, we got to get this finished
Zander: Ugh, Luke I can't. My motivation has  left. It just left me all alone like that. Idk, it probally went to get the milk or something. It won't be back tho.
Luke: Urgh, Zander stop talking about your dad, we have a project to do-
Zander: *Whimpering*

Anyway chao that's all

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2022 ⏰

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