•💔All Alone💔•

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Title: •💔All Alone💔•
Ship: Drelliot (Drew x Elliot 💜💗)
Type: Angst 🖤
TW: Transphobia, mentions of Su1c1d3
(I know I said I wouldn't do su1c1d3, it's very small 😩)

(Note: This oneshot was requested by @_call_me_bread_)
(Also, I've never thought about this ship before. It sounds cute! Let's give it a go 💞💞. This might not be very good as I haven't tried angst before. And not all of this is canon, most is just my hcs.)

Drew's POV:
"Liam, can you just shut your messed up mouth for once?!" I hear the lettuce yell at my 'friend', Liam. "There is nothing wrong with saying that your dad would be hot as a girl!" The vampire replies confidently, making me cringe. I see a disgusted frown spread across Henry's face before going off at Liam again. I groan and try to block out their pointless argument. They can go on like this for hours. And to be honest, I'm not really in the mood for their bullshit today.

Jake's already slithered off to the music freaks, not even bothering to meet up with us three first. Not like those two have even noticed. Recently, he's spent less time with us and much more time with them. I find it hard to control my temper whenever I see him walk past with those freak friends of his. I know I'm losing him, and there's nothing I can do about it. It's not like I care though. That's stupid or whatever.

At least it's lunch, so I can catch a break from the double maths we have every Tuesday. It's horrific, and feels more like a day that two hours. (I based this of me, I actually have double maths on Tuesday 😩). I start to walk faster, desperate to sneakily get away from Henry and Liam. I realise there's no point in trying to be sly, as they are too engrossed
in each other to notice me. I sigh, and start to speed walk away from them. I grab my bag from my back, swing it around and take my AirPods out. Time to escape it all, I think, getting my playlist ready.

As I hover my finger over the play button, I hear a noise. Curiously, I turn my head towards the nearest classroom. I'm pretty sure whatever I heard came from in there. The same noise comes again, and this time I can distinguish it better. It's a person, and I'm pretty sure that they're... crying? Worry spreads across my face as I turn towards the door. I have to go in... I just can't leave someone like that. And yes, even though I'm a 'bUlLy', I still have a heart.

I take my AirPods out and slowly open the classroom door. Suddenly, I'm nervous. What if it's one of those music freaks? Or a teacher? Geez, that would be embarrassing.

Instantly, I recognise the messy, coral-pink hair and large brown eyes. To be honest, I'm shocked. I've hardly ever talked to Elliot, yet I always perceived him to be the happy gardener that helps everyone out. But seeing him now, head in hands, blue tears rolling down his cheeks... I guess I was wrong. But what do I know?

"Hey, u-uh, are you... ok?" I approach him slowly like I'm talking to a lost dog. He looks up, his face a mess. "Oh, h-h-i Dre-ew", he sitters, hiccuping from his tears. He attempts a smile but the rest of his face doesn't match it. His eyes look deep and sad. It makes me want to cry myself, uh- forget I said that.

I slowly turn to sit down next to him, not sure what to say. "Are you ok, Elliot?" I repeat like a broken record. I used to always make fun of Jake for being un-smooth around Daisy, but here I am now, probably being annoying as heck. Elliot clearly doesn't want questioning.

To my surprise, he doesn't get mad at me. Tears or no tears, I guess he still is the too-kind Elliot he always has been. Instead he looks at the floor, a sad, weak smile on his face. The crying has slowed down yet he still isn't talking to me. I'm not sure what to say, apart from repeating myself like an annoying ass, so I sit in the silence. It doesn't feel awkward but it's definitely heavy. Imagine if you came in a room to see your cru- I mean a random dude crying his eyes out. Not much to say or do, is there?

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