A Failed Revenge...

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Funtime Freddy POV

I woke up on the floor of the braker room, with Bon beside me. Bon was asleep, but that was okay. He didn't need to witness anything. I got up and left Bon there.

I walked down the hall, keeping an eye on the camera's, to make sure none of them turned on, I knew they were recording when the small red light turns on. I slowly moved to the parts and service. When I got In I saw Lolbit and Yendo In a corner of the room chatting. Well. Lolbit was chatting. Yendo Is mute, his voice box was removed because he said something traumatizing to the kids at some birthday party. Lolbits ear's went up, and they looked over at me. Yendo followed their look. 

"Hey, Lolbit and Yendo." I say.

"Hello!" Lolbit says, floating over to me. I never understood how they do that. "Is there anything you need?"

"Do you know where Ennard Is?" Lolbit thought for a moment, then glared to Yendo, who shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know. Try the scoper room, he spends a lot of time In there." Lolbit suggested. Then they turned back to Yendo and started floating back to him. Lolbit was always with Yendo, they never left his side.... It was very odd, especially sense Yendo was always so rude to everyone.

I turned around and begain sneaking to the scoper, I was terrified. I didn't want to go there.... the one place I fear most... was right at my face now. I opened the door slowly. It was pich black In there. But I could see Ennards eye's stairing right at me, they were glowing like a fire In the dark room.

I began walking toward the glowing eye's. "What do you want." Ennard asked. He didnt even sound like he cared.

"I know where Mike Is." I said. "So you better listen up." I lied. I knew Mike wasen't at the SL, and thats all that mattered. Mike scoped all of us after he died, and left us rotting there until someone came to fix us. I looked at the scoper then back at Ennard. He was the only one that didn't get scoped, due to Mike needing him to hold his rotting. And he deserved to feel the pain he made us feel. "Teach me how to use that thing." 

"Why should I?" Ennard growled. "You won't dare hurt Eggs." 

"Teach me or I will dare."

"In that case, I will dare hurt BonBon." I growled and opened my face plates. I was just about to attack Ennard when the door opend. 

"Oh- I'm I Interrupting something?" My face plates closed.

"Hi Eggs!" Ennard said walking right past me. "What are you doing here?" Ennard said, wraping a few wires around Mike, In a protective way, and slightly glaring at me. Mike huged him and pulled out of his wire's.

"I work here silly spaghett!" Mike ansured, slightly giggling at the end. "Now. What happend between you two? Be honest."

"You want honesty?" I asked. "Come over here." As soon as Ennard heard that he pulled Mike Into another hug, and wraped more wires around him.

"No." Ennard said deeply. "Don't go neer him. He's trying to hurt you." Ennard held tightly to Mike. Mike just pulled away from Ennard.

"Alright, but tell me what happend."

"Well, he wants to know how to use the scoper... But It seams kinda suspicious, he's scared of It, they all are. And he told me he knew where you were." Ennard whisperd.

"Hmmm...." Mike thought for a moment. "Well It would be nice to control the thing you fear. Don't you think, Enn?" Ennard slightly nodded and growled. "But. He didn't know where I was. I just got here from home..." Ennard growled and snaped at Freddy. 

"YOU WERE TRYING TO GET ME TO DO WHAT YOU WANT!?" Ennard was angrier than I have ever seen. He came up to me and smashed my head on the scoper, and kept It there for a long moment before doing the same thing again. "IM GOING TO SCOPE YOU NEXT TIME YOU TRY SOMETHING SICK LIKE THIS." 

"Enn!" Mike said. "Stop. Ima have to fix him If you brake him."  Ennard listend and through me onto the ground. He was stonger then I thought. Way stronger. He turned to Mike.

"He Is going to pay one day.... Why not today?" Ennard said In a sweet voice, as he stepped closer to Mike.

"Because I came here for YENDO. Not FREDDY." 

"Oh- Okay! Let's go find Yendo!" Ennard said, as If he had completely forgot what had just happend. They both left and left me lieing there.

I failed... I'll get them next time.

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