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I sat In the corner of the braker room. Bon was hanging out with Bonnet, Lolbit and Yendo. I thoght about the plan that failed. It needs more of a actual plan- I cant just run In there the way I did before, but what else could I do? Bon said I could protect, and that means revenge. I got a perfect Idea! I will set Ennard on fire and watch as his body turns Into dust- No. That wont work, he's still stronger then me- Oooo! I'll say Its him or Mike- MIKE. THAT LITTLE PIECE OF- 

"HEY FREDDY!" .... Wait, that wasn't my mind... I looked around the room and saw Bon neer the door. Bon hopped toward me. "What have you been doing?" Bon was using a tone that he never used toward me, not even when mad, Ive never heard this tone from him. It sounded like care, mixed with some aggression and fear.

"Nothing." I said, looking him In the eye and picking him up. I set him on my lap and looked at him for a moment.

"Are you sure?" Bon asked me with suspicion In his tone. I looked at him confused and nooded. "Okay..." 


"Well, Lolbit said this morning you were looking for Ennard, and he today at lunch, reported an attack? He said you were threatening Mike... So I just wanted to check up on you!" I glared at Bon. That little jurk told everyone everything didn't he?

"Im fine. I was threatening, but Its nothing, don't worry." BonBon huged me.

"Okay, Fred." Bon pulled from the hug. "How have you been feeling? Has anything been bothering you that you would like to talk about?" His eye's widend and I just staird at him.

"No. Nothing has been bothering me-" Bon gave me a serious look. I froze. "Okay, fine. I've really just been over protective of you letely..."

"When have you not been over protective?"

"I wasen't like this till Ennard betrayed us and made Mike scoop us all. Up untill then I was- different, Bon. You remember, I know you do. I don't really want to talk about It..." Bon nodded. His ears went down and he looked away. "Anyway, I want to do something! Im so board!" 

"Well mabey you shouldn't be sitting In here all day," Bon looked back at me. "And you wouldn't be board."

"I would, but they look at me like I'm some kind of monster." I point out, looking at Bon. "All I ever done untill Mike fixed my programing was hurt everyone, even sometimes now I feel Im going to lose control."

"If Mike fixed us, why did you threaten him?" I froze. Bon was looking straight Into my eye's, serious.


"Fred, talk."

"I guess I just thought, Ennard forced Mike to hurt us and then told us he was doing It for us to get out of here... And then when the last day came and we were going to get out of here, he killed us all and took Mike for himself."

"What does this thought have to do with threatening Mike?" 

"Soon after Mike fixed us, I noticed Ennard started to care for Mike In a way that made It seem as If they were a cupple, but Mike didn't have that same type of care for Ennard. I thought If I could threaten to hurt Mike, Ennard would listen, and thats what I did... But It didn't turn out so well." I gave a guilty look to Bon. "At least, for me that Is."

"Oh... Thank you for opening up to me about the problem, Fred." Bon said hugging me.  I sighed, I was now worried Bon was going to tell the others what I had just said, they were the one's that assigned Bon to be my 'therapist' as they like to call It, so my mind went to the thoght that within the next 24 hours, everyone would know what I just said. BonBon seemed to realize this worry almost Instantly. "Don't worry Fred, everything that Is said here, stays here. You know this." Bon looked Into my eye's. "Why don't you try to hang out with them? Things have changed, your different now, Fred. Sure you might get trigerd easy, and your protective, but thats just you, one day you will be able to control yourself, but all this time away from the other's Isn't going to help you change, you are just going to forget how to Interact with them and then when you need them most, they won't be there for you."

"But I have you..."

"You rely to much on me. Think." He said. "What If something happens to me? What If I mount function and Mike Is unable to fix me? What If Mike's boss trades me for another animatronic and scraps me? You need more then me. Can you at least try to make freinds with the others?"

"I won't let those things happen to you." I say aggressively.

"They might happen. You need more people In your life then just me, I won't be able to help you forever, Fred, do It. For me." I sighed. 

"Fine. But don't expect me to change my mind about them, they will still hate me." I put BonBon on the ground and got up, I begain to slowly walk out the door. BonBon followed me to the main room, where Circus Baby and Ballora were talking. BonBon leads me to the pair, Circus Baby looked down at BonBon then to me. "Hello!" Bon says happily.

"Hello, deer." Ballora says. "Hello, Freddy..." She said my name a little less exitedly, but I wasn't mad, they hate me, I know this.

"Hi..." I said. 

"How are you two?" Circus Baby asked.

"Eh, Im okay I guess." BonBon aunsurerd. Circus Baby then looked at me.

"I'm- uhmm- alive, working, not broken down." I joked not really knowing what to say. 

"I can see-ish." Ballora said, still seeming very uneasy. Yendo walked In and came up to me, he looked In surprise, but couldn't actually ask anything- and so Lolbit asked for him, appearing out of thin air beside him.

"Woah! Freddy? Is that you? I haven't seen you In the main room actually Interacting with us In a while!" Lolbit asked, with small giggles Inbetween questions. Yendo gave Lolbit a quick glare then looked back to me.

"Yeah..." I say.

"Anyway, BonBon. I have to talk with you In private." Circus Baby said bye to everyone before bringing BonBon to the other room and leaving me there, not knowing what to do or say to anyone around me. I looked at everyone In the room and examend my surroundings- This place Is nothing like the braker room... I don't like It...

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