He Is who.

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|\Ennards POV|\

Everyone was gathered around after Baby came back with BonBon. We were all silent, waiting for someone to take the first words. I wrapped a wire around Eggs hand and tightend my grip on It. Eggs flinched away, when he realized It was just me he sighed and gave his hand back to me.

"Say whatever you guys want, but I have already told you I am not destroying or re-programming ANYONE." He said. We were all silent before Baby started up a conversation.

"We are here to talk about the Incident between Freddy and Ennard." I griped even tighter on Eggs. "So first off, we are going to start with a vote." Everyone nodded but me. My grip just kept getting tighter on Eggs hand the more anxious I got. Tonight might be my last memory- the last time Im myself. I have to make the most out of It. "I will give everyone two minutes to discuss who Is being fixed, then I will give everyone paper and a pen and you will write who you think should be fixed on the paper. Start now." Baby left to find paper and chatter filled the room. Now that everyone was distracted I pulled Eggs Into a forceful hug and wrapped all my lose wires around his body. 

"Eggs..." I said anxiously. He hugged me back. "Do you think I will be 'fixed'?" I asked.

"No. I have already told them NO ONE Is being so called 'fixed'" He aunsurerd. "You don't have to worry about It, Enn." Eggs tried to pull away but I griped even tighter and pulled him back. 

"Don't go..." I said sounding scareder then I was trying to sound. But how could I hide the truth...? I couldn't. I am terrified. Eggs knew that. He sighed and put his forehead on my shoulder. We sat like that untill everyone was gathered up again.

"Everyone stop talking!" Baby shouted. Eggs gave me a reassuring look and un-wraped every wire but the one on his arm, and he turned to face Baby.

|/Yendos POV/|

Everyone wen't silent when she spoke. 

Lolbit teloported from the group of animatronics, to my side. They sat beside me on the wall, their ears going flat to their head. I could see the sorrow on Lolbits face. I could read Lolbits emotions like a book, It was easier then a word, even though It was more then a word. Emotion Is the whole book, as the author explains the characters feelings, words get more complicated. As you go farther Into the book words start to hurt more, and some you may not even understand the meaning of. Wich Is my struggle right now, I don't understand these words... Why was Lolbit feeling sorrow? This Is something they have to do, there was no point In feeling this way.

"Okay, thank you everyone. You should now all have paper and a pen." Baby said. "Start writing who you think should be  fixed, I will collect your papers."

I taped Lolbits shoulder. Lolbit looked at me. "Whats wrong Yendo?" They asked. I shook my head and pointed at them. "Me? Oh, I'm fine, Yendo." Stupid voice box, why can't Mike just give me my voice box back? It's not like I ment to say those things to those kids... Lolbit went back to writeing on the paper, I didn't look, knowing I would regret It, both Freddy and Ennard were like brothers to me.

Lolbit glitched the paper from their hand to Baby's. I looked at Lolbit, their ears still down, their tail completely still with no movement what so ever, and their expression. Nothing I have ever seen of Lolbit. Lolbit was always happy, no matter what, always making jokes and laughing. But at the moment, silence. Nothing but silence. Lolbit...? I wanted to talk, I wanted to make Lolbit feel better. But how could I do such a thing without a voice box? At this point I am just a pile of metal, I can't do anything. I told myself. I huged Lolbit, that was all I could do. I knew It wasn't enough. 

||BonBons POV|| (sorry for all the pov switches here.. I can't  deside who I want...T-T) 

I am not ready... No one here Is ready for whats about to happen. No mater what move we make everyone Is going to be affected some how. I held my breath as Baby scaned the papers. "Mike voted no one, we have none from Yendo, Bonnet voted Freddy,  Ballora voted Freddy, I voted Freddy, Ennards vote does not count, BonBon voted Ennard, Lolbit voted Ennard, and Foxy voted Ennard..." She paused. "That leaves us with a tie." She said, disappointed.

"So we can leave It at that-" Mike said. "A tie. And forget everything that has happened. We are all acting so childish about a stupid mistake-"

"NO." Ennard snapped, the same time Baby growled In anger. "IM NOT LEAVING THAT AT THAT!" 

"Enn, you are going to have to." Mike pointed out. 

"NO I WONT." Ennard shouted. "IF NO ONE WILL DISABLED FREDDY I'LL DO IT MYSELF!" He said before jumping up Into the vent and crawling away down the vents, to the braker room. I jumped (If thats even possible..?) and ran down the hall.

I pushed the door open and saw Freddy, standing there stairing down at me. "BonBon..." He mumbled. "Why wouldn't you just tell me about those meetings...?" I looked up, eyes wide. I was just about to tell him what was going on when I was cut off. "I heard everything. I know what they have been doing. And I know Ennard Isn't what you have been saying he Is. He Is going to hurt you If you stay Bawn... Please go..." 

"He's right..." Ennard said from the vent, before jumping at Freddy with his face plates wide. He closed his face plates on Freddy's ear, causing an terrible meatle scraping meatle sound, I couldn't tell throughout all the noise but I could sware I heard something snap. I flinched away and felt my head hit the opening door behind me. After that everything seemed to get quite and my vison went blurry. I looked up at the door and saw Lolbit and Baby by the door. 

I looked back at the fight, but I only got a glimps of Ennard grabing Freddy's hand that was about to hit his face, before everything went dark.

||Yo not gonna lie, writing this part kinda reminded me of amongus... Im I just weird?||

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