2. The Pink Room

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Inside of the hospital, there is a room labeled The Pink Room. It's located in the maternity wing and is basically the room where they host therapy sessions for women with postpartum and sometimes other traumatic pregnancy situations. I wasn't sure if I belonged here, but Dr. Kinsey was very positive I did. Maybe it was because I kept telling everyone that I should have died with Derrick and my fetus, but he never goes into details. I like the therapist though. She was one of those people who was so genuinely caring that it made it hard not to like them. She asked me a lot of important questions too. Are you more sad that you survived and they didn't or that you probably should have died with them? Do you think you caused the accident? Have you thought about your life once you've been discharged?

Exactly five minutes before noon, the nurse came in to help me into the wheelchair so she could roll me into my therapy session. I was doing much better these days. I had to learn how to walk again but it didn't take long at all. The cast on my arm was so heavy, it made my arm ache every time I tried to support my own weight, it was the only reason I was still being wheeled around. Dr. Kinsey was planning on changing the cast to something lighter today, so that I can finally be discharged, but to be honest, I didn't want to leave. I did not want to live with Leigh and her boyfriend, I didn't like stepping on other peoples toes. I have money saved, enough to get my own place and live comfortably, but I didn't know where I wanted to live. I'm pretty sure that Dr.Hughes was going to touch base about that today.

When we arrived to the pink room, I got up out of the chair on my own and sat on the suede pink couch. The nurse made sure I didn't need anything and that I was cozy before leaving me be. I never liked the color pink until I got here. I didn't have time to be girly when I was kid and through my teen years. I was much more worried about social services coming to our door to take us from my mom then what I was going to wear to a dance or prom. Perhaps I'll create myself a Pink Room wherever I do decide to move. Dr. Hughes knocks on the door twice before walking in. She greeted me with a smile and a hug before sitting in the fluffy white chair across from me.

"How are we today Miss West?" She asked as she scans through her notebook she always wrote in.

"I'm doing good, I'm getting a more functional cast today." I tell her as I wiggle my arm in the sling.

"That's very good news, I know your shoulders going to love it." She looked up at me and winked. See, she was so witty and sweet. How could anyone not like her? "So we last left off talking about the bar exam."

"Oh yeah, about how it was all a waste of time and money because I have to look into new law firms now." I expressed and she's pursed her lips.

"I didn't study the law but I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that some states allow you to be a lawyer anywhere when your past their bar. I believe California is one of them."

"That's true and one of the main reasons why I wanted to get my degree there." I warrant her. "That's not where my worries brew. I was someone of prestige in LA, I had one foot already in with a well known firm. I don't want to start at the bottom."

"Maybe you still have a foot in the door in LA." She suggest. I just sigh as I slumber backwards into the couch. "Have you've talked to anyone back there yet?"

"No, I told you my phone was lost during the accident, I don't have anyone's number." I remind her and her furrowed brows told it all.

"You and I both know that you can Google the number to the Vance's law firm and someone will pick up." She calls my bluff. "Tell me this Hunter, do you even want to go back there?"

"I don't know." I shrug. "I don't know anything anymore."

The guilt I felt about Derrick's death kind of had an impact on me. Don't get me wrong, I'm pissed that the Vance family, especially Danielle, didn't stick around to see if I survived, but having to face them without Derrick held me back mostly. I wouldn't even know where to begin if I saw them. How do I tell them that I threw a family heirloom out on the freeway and that that somehow ended us in a tragic crash? The last I remember, we were parked on the side of the road. We were too busy fighting to take extra precaution that another vehicle might not see us. It wasn't like any of them were trying to get in contact with me either. Without it ever being said, I knew they probably blamed me for their son demise. Even if I am to blame, no one was giving me any information about the accident at all.

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