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Name: Ella (El-la)

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Likes: She loves swimming, and hanging put with her lover, Anae. She loves to braid hair and let herself roam free through the waters. She loves to sing and paint, and enjoys playing with other people she knows.

Dislikes: She dislikes people ridiculing her, and she dislikes insects and bugs. She dislikes people interrupting her when she's sleeping, and when she's having fun with her lover.

Personality: She is soft, submissive, and calm, and yet also playful and shy.

Species: High Elf

Taken: Yes


Height: 5'9

Weight: 156.2 lbs

Hair color: Brown

Hair length: medium, four inches past shoulders, slightly curly

Skin tone: White, but flushed with color

Lip color: Rosy peach

Race: Mermaid

Eye color: Vibrant rose red

Eye shape: Lemon

Hands: Slim, covered with soft teal and blue scales, medium sized.

Body shape: Thin but strong arms, slightly larger than small breasts, thin waist, leading out to her long tail with flowing fins. 

Body type: Medium curvy.

Tattoos: None.

Scars: None.

Birth marks: None.

Normal clothes: Small thing around her arms and leading down to the start of her tail.

Added information: Blue and real tail, soft real and blue scales on her arms, and soft teal and blue under the breasts and spreading across to the back. Always wears a necklace that amongst mermaids, shows ownership over someone, made of black metal and blue sapphire and pearl crossbreeds.

Secondary Personal

Backstory: She grew up with a regular, happy life. Went to school, and everything was normal. She met her lover at age 19, and they've been together for two years.

Lives: In the waters close to her lover 

Born: January 22nd

Family: Three sisters, her father, and her mother.

Relationships: Small group of friends, and her lover, Anae

Sexual Personal

Kinks: She loves to be tied up, and loves for her senses to be taken away, such as touch, or sight, or hearing. She loves being forced to do things, and being trapped for her lover to do with what she will.

Limits: She likes for her sexual likes to be kept private from others outside of her sexual relationships, and is not alright with being humiliated by others.

Favorite positions: she loves being forced backwards in the water, and loves being chained by the tail as well. She also loves being bent over rocks.

Favorite places to have sex: Hers and her lovers pool.

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