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Name: Ava (Ay-vah)

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Lesbian

Likes: being publicly tortured (figuratively) by her mate, though she refuses to admit it, running with her mate, sleeping under the stars

Dislikes: people trying to hurt her or her mate or people she cares about, spiders, blood

Personality: extremely shy and quiet, and she has PTSD from all hospitals and science labs and needles and such things

Species: Human

Taken: Nakamari


Height: 5'6

Weight: 136 lbs

Hair color: Black

Hair length: Long, down to the top of her back

Skin tone: Pale white

Lip color: Pale pink

Race: Human

Eye color: Red because of illegal experiments

Eye shape: Soft and round, yet guarded minus when with her mate

Hands: small and dainty

Body shape: small breasts, thin body, and soft curves.

Body type: Small, soft, and gentle.

Tattoos: None

Scars: None

Birthmarks: None

Normal clothes: Anything that can hide her body and make her go unnoticed

Added information: N/A

Secondary Personal

Backstory: She was illegally expirimented on by people trying to create vampires using Bloodwolf blood, only it just gave her red eyes and PTSD and enhanced sight

Lives: With her mate

Born: January 15th

Family: None, because she doesn't remember

Relationships: Her mate and everyone else stays away from her

Sexual Personal

Kinks: Kept secret

Limits: Kept secret

Favorite positions: Kept secret

Favorite places to have sex: Kept secret

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