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Name: Nakamari (Nah-kah-mar-ee)

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Lesbian

Likes: Flirting, teasing, her job, running with her mate, fighting, protecting her mate and pack, smoking

Dislikes: People fucking with her or her pack or her mate, people disbelieving in her

Personality: Calm and calculated, and incredibly smart, extremely sneaky, and very skilled at her job. Also extremely flirty with her mate.

Species: Human

Taken: Ava


Height: 5'8

Weight: 145 lbs

Hair color: Black

Hair length: Down to the middle of her neck.

Skin tone: Pale

Lip color: Slightly pinker than her skin

Race: Alpha

Eye color: Blue-ish gray

Eye shape: Soft and round but intelligent

Hands: Medium and gently

Body shape: Medium to large breasts, thin but filled out waist, curved hips, and medium thighs.

Body type: Filled out and curvy

Tattoos: None

Scars: Over her missing right eye

Birthmarks: None

Normal clothes: Suit and tie, dress shoes, and her eyepatch

Added information: Lost an eye so she wears an eye patch to not make anyone uncomfortable.

Secondary Personal

Backstory: Got into a fight with another wolf, but since she has wolf blood in her she's excessively strong, fast, and has heightened senses, she won. She never knew her parents but fared well on the streets until she met Justin, who accepted her into the rouges, where she roams.

Lives: With the rouges.

Born: August 17th

Family: Unknown

Relationships: Her rouge pack and her friendship with Justin and his mate, and her mate Ava

Sexual Personal

Kinks: Kept secret.

Limits: Kept secret.

Favorite positions: Kept secret.

Favorite places to have sex: Kept secret.

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