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Name: Justin (Just-in)

Age: 19, Looks 22

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pangender, Polyamrus
Likes: Being with multiple people at a time, quite spaces, art, weapons, the nighttime, running through the woods, being with his mate whenever he can

Dislikes: People trying to hurt him or his mate or his pack

Personality: Cold and quiet and calculating, but heavy with thoughtful words and advice and actions. Extremely paitent and level headed.

Species: Wolf

Taken: Alexandra


Height: 6ft

Weight: 143 lbs

Hair color: Dark brown

Hair length: Just slightly longer than the top of his neck, generally kept messy but neat.

Skin tone: Pale white

Lip color: Slightly pinker than his skin

Race: Wolf

Eye color: Orange-ish brown

Eye shape: Medium, narrow, and calculating

Hands: Medium, soft, and strong.

Body shape: Lean and muscular

Body type:    "                                  "

Tattoos: None

Scars: None

Birthmarks: None

Normal clothes: Formal white shirt, nice black jeans, dress shoes, and a matching choker to his mate's

Added information: N/A

Secondary Personal

Backstory: Rumored to have lived for a time with a rouge pack that stole and caught instead of settling down, despite countless offers of land and resources and such. Left the pack to live on his own fr a while until he found his mate and settled down within her pack.

Lives: Wherever Alexandra is.

Born: September 4th

Family: Rouge wolves off doing gods knows what gods knows where. Unknown siblings or other relations.

Relationships: Small friends and his mate, Alexandra.

Sexual Personal

Kinks: Being in control of all sexual partners involved, seeing his partners chained or bound, toys

Limits: Pain, fire, scat, blood, gore, vore, piss

Favorite positions: Nothing in particular

Favorite places to have sex: Nothing in particular

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