Chapter 2: All Hell And More Breaks Loose...

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Reckoning day...

So now that you have some history, let's get back to it.

I was on my way back home from the facility, still with my gear and everything I mind you. I noticed some crazy zombies jump over the gate and start eating a lady's face off. This was at the same school that Price was going to.

(Y/N): Yeaaah, there's no way a zombie is eating that lady's face of right now.

Lady: AAAGH!!!

(Y/N): This is one weird dream. Might as well deal with it... *pow*

Shot it right in the head and I broke through the gate with brute force.

(Y/N): Should probably shoot her in the head.

Guy: Why?! She needs to go to the hospital!

(Y/N): We need to shoot her before she-

The lady jumped onto him and started eating his face off as well.

(Y/N): Before THAT happens... *pow pow*

I spun my revolver and holstered it.

(Y/N): This isn't a fucking dream... Shit! This isn't a dream! Primitive!!!

As I ran inside with my shotgun busting open doors, people were confused. Why is this American soldier running around with a sawed-off shotgun?

(Y/N): Price!

Price: What the hell is going on?!

I pushed him down under a desk in a dark classroom with me.

(Y/N): The dead have missed. It's reckoning day or something.

Price: What the hell?

(Y/N): We have to get back to our room. Jack is there. In the meantime, take my shotgun.

Price: No need. *pulls out a small handgun*

(Y/N): I thought we told you not to bring guns to school.

Price: What? Gonna fuss at me now?

(Y/N): Hmm, fair point.

Price: *cocks gun* Let's go.

(Y/N): Luckily no one knows what's going on. When they do, they'll be busting out and crowding the hallways making things worse.

Price: Hmh.

We ran through the halls and heard an announcement to lock down the classrooms.

(Y/N): Call Jack to bring the humvee over.

Price: Got it.

. . .

. . .

Jack: Price? Are you alright?

Price: Yes, bring the humvee over to the school right now!

Jack: Alright, just stay safe!

He hung up and we were running down the hall trying to find a safer way out.

Price: Wait, this is Kohta's classroom.

He ran in and I ran followed.

(Y/N): US military!

Price: Everyone remains calm! *in Japanese*

(Y/N): Wheres Kohta?

Price: I think he left!

We left and saw him walking away with a pink-haired girl.

Price: Kohta!

While we were catching up to him, we heard an announcement. The guy on the intercom got a bit...

Highschool of The Dead x cowboy readerWhere stories live. Discover now