Chapter 16: Four Beers Of The Dead

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Woods: Oh, I almost forgot to drop him off. *hits breaks*

???: Come on, you can’t just leave me out here! Those thing’ll eat me!

Woods: Get the fuck out, ya commie bastard!

???: I ain’t a commie. 

Everyone: Bullshit.

???: I’m serious. I joined them when this all started because it seemed like a good chance for survival!

(Y/N): *sigh* 

Price: I don’t know, guys. I think we should recruit him.

Woods: Never trust someone working with the reds!

???: Come on, man!

I could see the poor kid looking like he was about to cry.

(Y/N): Let’s take him back.

Woods: Are you kidding me?

(Y/N): No, he’s just a kid. Leaving him out here would be plain evil.

Woods: Fine.

We stopped by the bunker and put just about everything we could carry in the back of the humvee. We picked up the crates of weapons and carried them in the back.

(Y/N): This is perfect. We have enough firepower to arm an army.

Price: Larry is gonna be happy about this.

(Y/N): So will Wolf.

We stopped the vehicle outside of our home and the vault door opened. We were greeted by our family on the other side.

Saeko: (Y/N)!

She jumped at me and hugged me to death. Takagi did pretty much the same thing with Kohta. 

Takagi: I can’t believe this! How the hell did this happen?!

Kohta: We come across some Yakuza. Aparantly they were communists or something.

Takagi: At least youre alright.

Jack: Who's this?

(Y/N): One of the commies. We took him just cause he's a kid that was running with them.

Jack: We'll hold you in a room where you can't be removed until we can fully trust you, got it?

???: Alright.

Jack: *gently grabs his arm* What's your name kid?

Joell: Joell. Joell Gasai.

Jack: Interesting name for a Japanese.

Joell: My parents named me that before dropping me off at an orphanage when I was young.

(Y/N): Poor kid.

Saeko kept hugging my arm as we walked to the infirmery. Marikawa treated Kohta’s arm first, then my cuts.

Marikawa: Your arm should heal fine, Kohta. There shouldn’t be any bone fragments. (Y/N), you’re just gonna have some scars, but you’ll heal quickly.

(Y/N): Thanks.

Saeko: I forgot to ask, where’s you hat?

(Y/N): Some dickhead stole it. Some other dickhead even stole my revolver.

Saeko: Oh, I’m so sorry…

(Y/N): It’s fine. All that matters is that everyone is ok.

I left the infermery and went straight to the cafateria. Larry was rumagin in the large crate full of weapons. He was messing around with the mausers and M1garands. Kohta was also messing with them.

I walked over and got some mashed taters and corn. Whatever was available. I sat down and started eating my first meal after three days.

Jack walked over and greeted me. He sat in front of me.

Jack: Glad do see you two made it back. I wasn’t sure if you were gonna come back. Where’s your hat?

(Y/N): A dude stole it.

Jack: Damn. We’ll get you another one.

(Y/N): I don’t know. That one was special.

Jack: I know.

Wolfgang walked up to me.

Wolf: Should I take my tank to them and kill the leader?

Larry showed up. 

Larry: No, man. There’s probably zombies everywhere around them by now. They’re probably already dead.

Wolf: Yeah, you’re right.

Larry: Anyways, I could really go for a beer. How about you guys?

Everyone: Yeah.

All of the americans in the facility got tons of beer that I picked up on a run last month. Larry was already tripping and slurring on his words after 4 beers. Wolfgang was pretty drunk as well from god knows how much beer he drank. Price and Woods were pretty drunk as well. It was interesting seeing Woods relaxed and happy. Jack wasn't drinking a lot, and I wasn't gonna drink too much.

Larry: Y-ya know, Wolfgang? You're ma brotha.

Wolfgang: Thanks man.

Larry: You're like the brother I never had.

Wolfgang: I feel the bro.

He gave him a big bear hug.

(Y/N): Those weirdos.

The other US soldiers and some Japanese were off duty, so they were also getting drunk.

Price: Where's Marikawa?

Woods: She's probably in yall's room readin a book or some shit. You know women.

Price: Alright.

He left to his room to do what we probably all expected him to do.

Larry: I wish we had a the cure. I'm tired of all this waiting.

(Y/N): Me too, but patients is key.

Larry: Yeah yeah. I want another beer. *opens beer*

Wolfgang: You've had enough, man. Not to mention the fact that you chug them everytime. You're gonna pass out soon.

Larry: You're not the boss of me! I'm the big bro in this s-scenario.

He drank that other beer and went over to sit down on a couch where he closed his eyes and relaxed. Wolfgang sat next to him prepared for whatever nonsense he was gonna say next.

Larry: Ya know. I wish I has a girlfriend.

Wolfgang: Yeah.

Larry: One of them asians...

All of the soldiers were looking at him laughing their asses off. He passed out soon after.

Wolfgang: Don't worry. I'm sure theirs an asian woman out there for you.

Saeko walked in the lobby and sat in my lap. It's times like this that help us forget just how bad the world out there is. But if it weren't for all this mess, I never would have met these people. My girlfriend, my soon to be child, my family... As crazy as it sounds, I almost don't want it to end.

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