Chapter 15: Something Possibly Worse Than Biters

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Price: They've been gone for 3 days, Jack.

Jack: *sigh*

Price: If something happened, then we should send someone out there.

Jack: You're right. Go out with your brother right away.

Price: Yes sir.

Seako ran up to me.

Seako: Price, if you see him and he's dead, put him out of his misery for me.

Pice: Don't worry. I'm sure he's fine. He's tougher than titanium nails.

Woods and I got into the other humvee and drove off.

A few days prior...

(Y/N): *puts hands up*

Kohta: *gasps* Yakuza!

Yakuza 1: Shut up, kid. Take their guns.

Yakuza 2: Got it.

He shillied us down and put all of our guns in a duffle bag.

Yakuza 1: Nice hat, *takes it off* I'll be taking that.

They robbed us and tied our hands together. They put us in the back of their car and put sacks over our heads.

(Y/N): I'm gonna kill these sons of bitches for taking my hat and my babies...

Kohta: *whispers* What are we gonna do?

(Y/N): Just remain calm and let me do all the talking when we get there.

After what felt like hours, I could hear what sounded like a large garage door opening and closing. They grabbed us and guided us somewhere and sat us down. They took the sacks off of our heads and showed that we were in a fancy room with Yakuza surounding us holding military guns. We were sitting on a couch and in front of us was another couch with a man that looked like the boss of them sitting down.

???: So... *inhales cigarette and talks while exhaling smoke* One of you was in the military I take it? Obviously, not the kid.

(Y/N): What gave it away?

???: The way you're so calm in all of this, your build, they way you talk... Hehe... Or maybe it's your dog tags.

(Y/N): Hmhm... That's right. What do you want with us? You stole our things.

???: I wanna know where you're hiding out. You're both clean, you both seem to have known where that hidden cache was... *leans in closer to my face* So, where are you staying?

(Y/N): I don't think you'll get a word out of me.

???: Hahah! So that's how it is. Yukiteru, take him away.

Yakuza 3: Yes, boss.

He took us both into seperate rooms. Judging by how things looked as they took us there, they seem to be some rich before this whole thing. Not much of a surprise, they are Yakuza. On the walls, there was all sorts of things. Alot of which was quite odd. Why would Yakuza be so obsessed with communism and Stalin?

The room they threw me in was like a jail cell. I saw that there was a white guy guarding my cell.

 I saw that there was a white guy guarding my cell

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