three | juicy

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"Hodges walked out and now Hazel walked out." Winter threw her arms at her side. "Anyone else?"

"Yup, I need to tell Zane who needs to tell Dax." Ivy informed.

Winter nodded and glanced at the other girls in the room. They all looked lost and a bit disoriented with how they should react to what happened only minutes earlier.

It was hard for her to fully get to that place though. After all, she was new and never established the extended bond with Cecelia or Hodges the way the other girls had. She'd never even been privy to their love affair and its effects on Doll House. All Winter knew was that this was a big deal and it could either effect the wedding or the brand.

She looked down at her phone and noticed Ellis' text informing her that he was downstairs to take her to her weekly support group meetings.

"I have to head out. Are we gonna talk about this later?"

"Maybe." Chanel sighed. "I'll text you if anything."

Winter nodded before leaving the Studio to meet Ellis downstairs.

"I saw Hazel in a taxi on my way here. Is everything okay?"

"Not at all." Winter sighed. "Porn is too small of a world. Or maybe it's too small in New York? Should I try the indie route? I can take a pay cut."

Ellis laughed, "No you can't. It'll be a total culture shock with what you're use to at Doll House."

"Rebel pays well too but you still considered indie."

"I'm indifferent about porn though, I just do it because I can. You enjoy the lifestyle so there's no way you could survive indie. I wouldn't allow it." He partially joked.

"That's true, but my point still stands. It's too small and invasive."

Winter leaned her head back and glanced out the window as they made their way uptown. It always felt good to have Ellis' support on days like this. It was already heavy enough to have a support meeting but on top of that, she had to deal with the Hodges and Cecelia news. So much unexpected shit could happen in a day but at the very least, she had someone beside her that cared.

As they reached East 84th Street and Park Avenue, Winter noticed two figures in front of a building and immediately gaped.

"We should get lunch af-"

"Pull over up here!" Winter demanded tapping the steering wheel while keeping her eyes on Hodges and the woman who was in front of him.

Ellis sighed but pulled off to the right so that they weren't entirely visible from the front of any buildings.

"That's Hodges! Do you know who that woman is?"

"I think that's his wife." Ellis guessed. "Or another mistress."

The two of them were clearly in a heightened discussion about something. The woman was talking with her hands while he shook his head repeatedly and narrowed his eyes.

So Hodges had stormed out of the Studio to head uptown and conveniently was in a heated moment with a brown haired older woman. What a day.

"Okay yeah it's his wife." Ellis turned his phone to show his Google search of Mr. and Mrs. Hodges of Doll House.

Winter was truly at a disadvantage. She knew nothing about the history of Doll House so she didn't know if Mrs. Hodges was aware of Cecelia or if it was a true secret. Maybe that was the cause of their argument right now? What were the odds of that though considering what had just transpired.

"Should I try and get closer to hear what they're saying?"

"Winter." Ellis chuckled and started the car. "You have bright orange hair, this isn't your mission. Plus we don't wanna be late. Again."

She smiled at him, "Okay, one thing at a time today." She repeated to herself despite so much of what was going on. But she had to focus on herself for right now.

She'd leave this juicy information for tonight with the dolls.

Doll House: Book FourWhere stories live. Discover now