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"Welcome, Earl Phantomhive and Her Royal Highness, Princess Celine. Tonight I will show you a world of pleasure that will leave you dazzled." Baron Kelvin clapped fanatically, his mouth stretched in a macabre grin. A small girl in a pinstriped costume climbed a ladder and on to a platform. In her hands she had a long pole.

"First, we have a tightrope walker." Celine's stomach lurched at the sight. There were no ropes or nets underneath her to catch her if she fell. The girl stepped on to the wire, and took a step. "With no lifeline or net to catch her, this is the real deal." She took another step, and plummeted to the ground. Celine let out a strangled cry, her eyes wide with horror. She glanced at Ciel, who was equally horrified. Baron Kelvin on the other hand, was laughing and clapping in amusement. She then looked at Joker, who had his eyes shut and he had turned away from the grisly scene. He lifted his head.

"Next we have a wild animal tamer." Behind him two children were dragging the bloody and broken body of the little girl off stage. Celine trembled with disgust. Two other children were rolling out a large cage on stage. A small boy, holding a whip walked up to the cage, and the gate holding back the lion was lifted. "A fierce lion will-" Joker was cut off as the lion roared and attacked the child. He screamed, and then went silent. Baron Kelvin was laughing and clapping even harder, his laughter echoing in the dinning room. Celine could see the beads of sweat forming on Joker's brow, and turned her head away. She felt someone behind her and turned around. Alexander was watching her intently.

"Would you like me to stop the killing?" He taunted, smirking slightly as she glared at him. He could sense the horrified energy coming off of Celine, and relished in it. Her hands were clammy and her mouth was as dry as cotton.

"No. We've decided to wait. I shall not act until I deem it worthy." Her voice wavered as she turned back to the gruesome performance. Joker was introducing the knife thrower. A girl was strapped to a board, her body positioned like a crucifix. She wore a mask that covered her face. The knife thrower raised his arm, readying himself.

"The fate of the crucifix girl is!?" The knife thrower released the dagger, sending it flying towards the girl. Celine jumped when Ciel shouted beside her.

"STOP IT SEBASTIAN!" Sebastian caught the dagger in between his index and middle finger just before it pierced the girl's skull. He stood up, and pocketed the dagger. He pulled off the girl's mask, and pulled out a file from his coat. He ruffled through the pages and stopped. He pulled it out and read aloud.

"Ellery Nickson. She disappeared from the Cornwall area...There is no mistake, just as you suspected, Young Master." Joker stared at Sebastian fearfully. "I see, this is just another way of enjoying a circus."

"Kidnapped children are put into the show without any training." Celine murmured softly, growing more and more enraged. Her hands were trembling as she picked up her wine glass. Baron Kelvin was thoroughly confused.

"Sorry, do you don't like this method?" He turned his bandaged head to Joker. "Joker!" He barked, "Clean this up immediately!"

"I'll put a stop to this." Ciel said darkly. "I have no desire, and I shall assume that Princess Celine will agree with me on this, to sit at a table with a beast that is more despicable than an animal." He stood up with his head bent down slightly.

"What's wrong?" Kelvin inquired bluntly. Celine, at her wit's end, rose from her chair furiously and threw her wine glass across the table.

"What do you think is wrong?" She shrieked. "You kidnapped innocent children and forced them to preform in a show with no training! And while their corpses were being dragged from your stage, you sat there and laughed!"

"Vulgar." Clop. "Ugly." Clip. "Perverted." Clop. "The lowest form of human life, is what we, the Queen's Watchdogs, have gotten rid of!" Ciel had walked over to Kelvin, stood in front of him, and pulled his slate grey pistol. Celine walked beside Ciel and did the same, her silver pistol mere millimetres from the centre Kelvin's head. Joker had a sword on Ciel's shoulder, dangerously close to his neck, his cane with the hidden knife inside on Celine's throat, and Sebastian had the dagger from earlier on Joker's throat. No one dared to moved. Baron Kelvin glanced fearfully at Ciel and then to Celine. Celine tried to stretch her neck away from the cane, but Joker pressed it against her throat even harder.

"Milady, could you please-"

"No." She cut him off curtly. She cocked the pistol and glared hatefully at the man. "You should be thanking me on bended knee for not pulling the trigger." Kelvin gulped, and looked at Joker.

"Joker! Get those dangerous things away from the Princess and the Earl!" He ordered. Joker tried to strain his neck away from Sebastian's dagger.


"You won't listen to me?!"

"Yes, do get this away from the Earl and myself. My neck is starting to cramp." Celine complained scathingly. Sighing heavily, Joker pulled the sword and his cane away from the two, and Sebastian grabbed him and put his dagger to his throat.

"Baron Kelvin." Ciel diverted Kelvin's attention back to the matter at hand. "Where are the kidnapped children?" He pressed his pistol harder into Kelvin's head.

"What?! You actually want to meet those children?" He laughed. "They're split up. One group is in the basement and the other is upstairs. I can take you both there right away." He paused for a moment, and looked at Celine. "I was planning to show you those things later, but now is perfectly fine." He smiled. Celine stared at the disgusting man questioningly.

"What do you want to show us, Kelvin?" She spat.

"Oh, you both will be seeing different things. It's taken me ages to perfect, seeing as one building was practically in ashes and the other was a complete mess." He snapped his fingers at Joker. "Joker! Escort Princess Celine to the room. When she is situated, come down to the basement." An ominous feeling washed over Celine.

'I don't like where this is going.'

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