Another Final Ceremony

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Ash watched as Elijah walked over to Celine, and moved to grab her.

"No!" Ash tried to stop him, but he was to late. Elijah had taken Celine's tiny frame in his arms, stroking her hair as he did so. Ash stared in disbelief. 'Undertaker said that it'd go to hell, but she's not trying to run. Yet, anyways.'

Ash watched as Elijah held his sister close. He placed her gently on the bed, still holding her tiny hand. Celine's face looked more sallow, and her eyes had dark circles underneath them. Ash walked over, removed a perfectly white glove, and pressed his hand to Celine's forehead. He sucked in a breath, and began to pack her clothes.

"What're you doing?" Elijah's voice was soft, but demanding. He watched as Ash packed all of Celine's clothing, and called a maid to bring it down to the carriage.

"I'm taking her back to London. She's ill, and being here isn't going to help her recover."

"I'm going with her."

"Absolutely not!"

"I go where she goes. And that's final." Elijah crossed his arms, and smirked at Ash.

"Fine. But you're explaining why you're still alive to Her Majesty, not Celine."

"When are we leaving?" Elijah glances down at his sister, and back at Ash.

"Whenever I finish packing." Ash snaps a trunk shut, and a maid takes it away.

"Does she know?" Elijah strokes Celine's head, playing with her long, pale hair.

"Know about what?" Ash looks at Elijah, growing suspicious. He stops folding her socks, and stares at Elijah.

"Does she know what you are? Does she know what Sebastian and I are? Does she know anything about the Underworld? Does she know why she was kept alive that night?" Elijah runs his hands through his hair, and looks around exasperated. Ash sighs deeply, and shakes his head.

"No. She doesn't. I didn't want to tell her."

"What you mean is you are under orders from Aunt Victoria not to tell her." Elijah crosses his arms, and raises an eyebrow. Ash huffs, and continues to fold Celine's socks.

"Does Celine even know that they're not going to give up until they have her?" Ash snapped his head up, his eyes narrowed, but he continued folding the socks. Elijah began to press the topic further, but Celine had turned over, murmuring about Undertaker.

"Who's Undertaker?" Elijah's eyes narrow, and he glares at Ash.

"He's an Undertaker. She had made the flower pieces for the coffins before I found her. He's also a Grim Reaper." Ash added, nearly snarling out the last part.

"Why didn't you just get her then?! Then she wouldn't have to work with that boy!"

"She would've been working with Phantomhive anyways, whether I found her earlier or not!" Ash roughly places the neatly folded socks in a small trunk, and pull Celine's cloak out of the armoire. Getting the message, Elijah picks up his sibling, and takes her down to the carriage. Ash follows behind, carrying the small trunk and cloak. A maid opens the large oak door, and the trio is greeted by the crisp night air. The horses were whinnying softly, and padding their hooves against the hard earth. Elijah readjusted his hold on Celine, and opened the carriage door. He sat her down on the seat, and she slumped slightly.

"Do you want to sit with her? I can drive, if you'd like." Ash stared at Elijah, dumbfounded. "I'm only doing this because you took care of her." Elijah shrugged his shoulders, and climbed up to the drivers seat. Ash climbed into the carriage, and sat across from Celine. He glanced quickly at her waxy skin, and looked away. He furrowed his brow, and looked at her again. Celine's eyes were just barely open, but open just enough so he could see her irises. Her left iris was a bright, emerald green. Ash blinked rapidly, and checked again. Celine's iris was back to its normal aquamarine colour.

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