Partners in Crime

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"We need to leave. Now." Alexander had scooted out from underneath the bed, and half dragged Celine out from underneath it.

"Why? Did you grab the necklace?" She whispered, knots of unease growing larger.

"Yes. Now let's go." He pressed, and pushed her out of the back tent flap. He grabbed her hand, and began to run. They weaved somewhat silently through the array of tents. By the time thy were halfway back to the front of the circus, Celine was growing light headed.

"Slow.....Down...Will..You?" She panted. Her hand was sweaty, but Alexander had a vice grip on her tiny hand. He groaned loudly and stopped. Smirking deviously, he scooped her into his toned arms. He started running again, but much faster. Celine stared in awe as the area surrounding them was nothing but a blur of dreary colours, which contrasted greatly with the vivid pinks, oranges, and yellows in the morning sky.

"Woah..."She breathed, her eyes wide with amazement. She shrieked and shut her eyes Alexander took a sharp turn to the left. She opened them hesitantly, and began shouting. David had blocked the exit to the circus, his cloudy chocolate eyes shining with greed and insanity.

"Stop! You're going to run into him!" She covered her eyes and braced for impact. Alexander stopped, and eyed David warily.

"What do you want?" He spat impatiently. David was breathing heavily, and his eyes were slightly cloudy.

"I want the girl." He panted more. "She was promised to me. I want her." Celine looked down at him with utter disgust. Trembling with rage, she pushed herself out Alexander's arms. She sauntered up to him, and clenched her fists to keep from punching him.

"I am not a piece of property. I am not something you just dress up and order around. I am a human being." She took a calming breath and ran her hand through her platinum locks. "I belong to no one but myself." David shook his shaggy head wildly.

"No. You belong to Master Winchester." His cloudy brown eyes widened with fear as Alexander advanced menacingly towards him, blue eyes burning crimson.

"Don't you dare speak about Liam in front of her!" He growled viciously, and even Celine began to quake with fear. Alexander had grabbed David by the throat, and lifted him off the ground. David choked as Alexander's grip tightened.

"Is he talking about your cohort?" She whispered timidly, her cerulean eyes darting between Alexander and the slowly reddening David. Alexander sighed deeply.

"Yes, but I thought he was dead." He turned back to David, and released him. He fell to the ground, gasping and choking for air. Alexander looked down at him. "Where's Liam?" The young boy shook his head defiantly.

"I don't know. The master doesn't tell me much." Both Celine and Alexander sighed simultaneously.

"Can you tell me why he killed my family?"

"He didn't." Celine raised an eyebrow questioningly.

"Really? So I just imagined the whole thing?" She turned to Alexander. "Let's go. He doesn't have anything worthwhile to say." She turned on her heel, and began to walk around him. David began to panic, and latched onto her leg helplessly.

"Wait! I can tell you who really killed your family! Just hear me out, please." He begged, gripping tighter onto Celine's leg. She opened her mouth, but nothing came out. She turned her head towards Alexander, who was glaring at David murderously.

"Do what you wish, just keep it quiet. I'll go get the horses." She wrenched her leg out of David's grasp, and ran off. He glanced up fearfully at Alexander, and began to crawl back in terror. Alexander's ice blue eyes burned fuchsia as he advanced on the terror stricken human.

"You weren't supposed to say anything." He grabbed David's neck, and swiftly snapped it. He let the body drop to the ground and kicked it away.

He followed Celine, and found her in the stables swearing loudly.

"That's quite a colourful vocabulary for a young lady." He chuckled, and dodged a brush that had been sent hurtling towards his head.

"Shut up! Our horses are missing!" She paced around the stables, and ran her hands through her wild hair. The early morning sun beamed through the temporary stable. She looked at the horses surrounding her, and picked one out.

"You get one too." She ordered, and clambered onto the stallion's back. The black leather bridle had a name engraved into it. Finn. She rubbed the horse's neck and waited for Alexander to pick out a horse. "It's just a horse. Just pick one and mount it." Celine grumbled.

"It's rather hard to do when they're afraid of you." He retorted, and successfully found a horse that didn't cower from him.

"Finally." She gripped the reins, and steered the horse out of the stables and circus grounds.

Ignoring many of the confused glances and haughty glares; Celine and Alexander had made it back to the manor before her mother had realised. She climbed swiftly up the tree, and raced to get back into bed. Glancing at her clock, which read 8:00 in the morning. She wrapped herself in the cozy duvet, and shut her eyes. As soon as she got comfortable, her door swung open, and revealed a young man with jet black hair and blue eyes. He had masculine features, and slightly pronounced cheekbones. He walked angrily towards her, stopped at the foot of Celine's bed, and crossed his arms. She threw the duvet back, and stared up questioningly at him.

"Who are you?"

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