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Elijah practically ran down the corridor to Celine's room; her scrawled note crushed in his hands. He didn't bother knocking, seeing as she was probably feigning sleep anyways. He pushed the white door open and entered her pale green room. Celine's large white canopy bed was centred in the middle, along with a two matching armoires and a dressing table. Elijah watched as she threw the plush duvet slightly off her body, and peer up at him.

"Who are you?" She inquired, her cerulean eyes searching for a bit of familiarity. Elijah's jaw dropped, and he dropped the note. He opened his mouth, but his words were caught in his throat. He looked directly into her eyes, and felt a torment of useless emotions inside. Celine continued to stare, looking for any familiarity. She looked into his eyes, and guilt and recognition flashed on her features.

"Oh, God! I'm so sorry Elijah!" She threw off the duvet, and embraced him. "I didn't recognise you at first. You look different from what I remember." Elijah shoved her away angrily.

"What the Hell were you thinking? Going off alone to retrieve a stupid necklace in the middle of night? I thought you had more sense than that!" He shouted.

"I wasn't alone, Elijah! Alexander practically begged to come with me! If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be here!" She retorted angrily, and brushed a stray piece of pale blonde hair out of her face.

"Oh, yes." He drawled sarcastically. "Leaving the manor with a man who wanted you dead last year seems perfectly reasonable." Elijah scoffed, and shook her shoulders roughly. His dark blue eyes bored into Celine's cerulean ones. "I thought you were smarter than that! Putting your life in danger for a necklace? You stupid girl!" He shoved her away, and she stumbled to the ground. Hurt was painted all over her face, but it was quickly replaced with anger.

"Get out." Her voice trembled with hurt and rage as she rose to her feet. "Leave and never come back. You're not the Elijah I remember. I don't care what you do as long as I never see you again!"

"Fine. Less baggage I have to carry. Good riddance. " He spat, stomped out of the room, and slammed the door loudly behind him.

"I hope you never come back!" Celine stood in his wake, trembling with rage. She clenched and unclenched her fists, fighting the angry tears from spilling over. She stood in silence for what felt like an eternity. She stared out her window. Soft knocks snapped her from her reverie.

"What!?" She snarled, turning quickly on her heel. Celine heard the maid squeak with fear.

"I've been sent to help you get ready. Lord Phantomhive will be here soon." She squeaked. Celine rolled her eyes.

"Whatever. Just get in here and be done as quick as possible." The frightened maid stepped hesitantly into the room, and shut the door softly behind her. In her arms was a pearly white dress, white stockings, and a diamond and sapphire encrusted tiara. Celine took off her nightgown, and raised her arms so the dress could be put over her head. The maid slid the stockings onto her legs, and tied her white boots onto her feet. She brushed Celine's platinum locks, pulled it into a tight bun, and placed the small tiara on her head.

The small maid led Celine down to the large dining room. The long oak table was decorated with numerous platters of food. Victoria sat at the head while Alexander sat farther down on the left and Celine at her mother's right. Victoria and Alexander were chatting politely, not noticing Celine as she sat down.

"..Yes, it is quite sad indeed. She wanted to stay, but her family needed her in this somber time." Alexander cast a depressed look at Victoria, who was hanging on to his every word.

"The poor dear." Celine filled her plate with sweet lemon crêpes, strawberries, and a dollop of whipped cream. She listened intently, and ate her food slowly. Her mother finally acknowledged her presence when she sneezed.

"Where did Elijah run off to? He usually graces us with his wonderful presence." Victoria observed. Celine wiped her mouth before speaking.

"He left in a bit of a rush. Didn't say where he was going." She replied placidly, and picked mindlessly at her food. Victoria excused herself from the table, leaving Celine and Alexander alone in the large dining room.

"Are you alright?" The corner of Alexander's mouth twitched ever so slightly, but Celine caught it.

"I am fine."

"Ah, so the sour look I see upon your face is my imagination?" He smiled innocently, laced his fingers together, and rested his head.

"Yes. It is." She snarled, and rose to her feet. "If you'll excuse me, I have something to attend to." She turned, but Alexander caught her arm.

"No you don't." Celine scoffed, and pulled her arm out of his grasp.

"Then I'll find something to do for the rest of the day."

"You have to go to the workhouse with Earl Phantomhive to find the children after supper." Alexander tossed a crisp off white folder onto the table and stared pointedly at Celine. She picked it up, and read the documents inside.

Inside the folder were pages about her, containing everything from her birthday to how much she weighed to what she was allergic to. She ruffled through the pages once more, and found an information sheet on Ciel as well. She suppressed the temptation of reading his personal file and placed it back on the table.

"So? I'm not going to sit around idly all day. I want to do something."

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