Till I Found You

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        Till I Found You by purple-ish is fantastic. I've tried reading it before but deleted it, I don't know why though, once I finally read the whole thing I realized it was good. I did get pissed off and sad most of the time, I even wanted to kill Elaine, but the book is great, and I do realize they are all, unforunatley, fictional charachters. I cried at the last chapters and epilogue, how could you not though, realizing that Elaine was truly a physcopath all along, that Liz chose Justin, and that Vince got hit. The prank at the end scared me though, I started crying and then realized, wait a minute, this is just a prank, Vince is just faking to get Liz to admit her love for him. I did get yelled at for my emotional outbursts while reading, but as I've said a million times before, I love it when a book can make me emotional, that's a rare thing now a days. Please check out this amazing book you won't regret it at all.

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