Reject & Rejected

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I finished reading Reject & Rejected by BeautifulXxXSinner today. I admit, it's good, but I'm sorry to say this, I struggled to get through the last few chapters. I'm so glad I did though, it was amazing to find out that it wasn't like I thought it was. I was so mad when people died, but then at the end! Amazing! I'm gonna rate this book on a scale of 1 to 10, it's about an 8. There are parts I didn't like, as there are in most books, but really. That's a good rating, I'm sorry but I doubt that any book would get a perfect score. But seriously guys, read this book. Oh, I forgot to mention, it's a werewolf book, but it's good. You should learn something when you're done with it. I don't know if that was the author's intention, but they did good!

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