Life and Chase

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        Life and Chase by aggressively was absolutely amazing. I honestly can't say that I liked the ending too much, but I have to say the ending was very realistic. Words can't describe how it made me feel. I was an emotional roller coaster while reading this, but it was good that I was. That is how books should make you feel. They should make you feel like it's all real. That is how Life and Chase made me feel. What happened to Nash was terrible, but Lexi and Chase should've told him and maybe it could'be been avoided. But truth is, that wouldn't have been very realistic. I love happy endings as much as the next gal, but sad and realistic endings like  in Life and Chase are definitely the best. I remember that I spent two days in my room not doing anything because I was so upset and convinced myself that was all real. Not many books can make me feel like that. I love how the author made my emotions so wild while reading. 

        Overall, I have to recommend reading this book. I fell in love with it, and I think you will too.

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