Saving Sawyer

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        I'm going to be reviewing Saving Sawyer by mille_. I haven't finished reading it yet, I'm only on chapter 18, but I thought it would be nice to get another book review in before Christmas. I will be doing another book review on Saving Sawyer once I finished reading it. So far it is absolutley amazing! I totally shipped Grawyer as soon as I heard of it. Graham and Sawyer sound like a cute couple so far, and Jackson is absolutley adorable! 

I thought from the beginning that Flynn may have raped her, and I wasn't too surprised when I found out he had. It seemed a little obvious, but then again there were times so far that I thought, maybe he didn't. 

I was completely upset when I read about Graham's past. I couldn't believe it! I was even more surprised that he was completely happy and seemed, I don't even know how to put it into words. 

I still think that Brett and Beckett are secretley gay, I know it sounds kind've absurd but I still believe it. 

        I'll have another review of Saving Sawyer once I've finished reading. 

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