Weeks Top Writers

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So yeah guys, I finally remembered the weeks top writers I had started. I'm so sorry for forgetting about this. But I have five people picked out as the Weeks Top Writers. OMG DON'T KILL ME IF YOU DON'T LIKE WHO I PICKED OUT

1. husker78            

He's number one this week because he is a fantastic writer. He's got one book up so far, but you guys haven't been able to do all the stuff we have, trust me, he's fantastic. Not many of you probably know who he is, GO CHECK HIM OUT BITCHES, and just saying he is my friend, if I feel like any of you aren't decent people, or I'm just mad I will bitch slap you into February 31st. Just a warning lol. Please don't kill me dude.

2. @RootsBeforeBranches

3.  wonder1238

4. Mille_

5. @makeandoffer

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