Wa Ha La

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(Kendrick and Samira go to visit Amber at her fellowship. After worship they meet up)

Amber: hi (She hugs Ken)

Ken: how are you?

Amber: I'm fine, you?

Ken: I guess I'm good... Of course cause I've seen you after a long time

Amber: (smiling) stop it... And oh! I saw you came with someone

Ken: oh yeah, my younger sister

Samira: hi, I'm Samira, but you can call me Sammy

Amber: aww, hi Sammy, I'm Amber, but you can call me Amy (smiling)

Ken: oh wow, you didn't tell me that

Samira: you're just jealous

Amber: right? He's so jealous

Samira: well, Aunt Amy, you're very beautiful and I like you a lot

Amber: aww, thank you so much Sammy. Just so you know, you are very beautiful too, when you guys came in, I kept looking at you

Samira: I saw your pictures in my brother's phone and I told him I really wanted to meet you

Amber: wow... Kendrick, how come you didn't tell me about Sammy? She's so sweet

Samira: he has also refused to tell me about you

Ken: I don't understand, this one both of you are getting along like this

Amber: I'm glad to meet you Sammy

Samira: me too... You're so nice

Amber: that's because I like you

Samira: really? I like you too

Ken: see them... Anyways Sammy, you've seen Amber, are you happy now?

Samira: happiness is written all over my face, can't you see?

Amber: don't mind him

Ken: at least, I can rest. So girls, please allow me to take you out

Samira: for real?

Ken: yeah... I think we should go get some ice cream and just chill

Amber: wow, I wasn't expecting that

Samira: me too

Ken: c'mon, let's go

Shopping Mall
Lucinda bumps into Skylar

Lucinda: hello Aunt Sky

Skylar: (turns) excuse me, you again?

Lucy: yeah, it's me

Skylar: who gave you the right to call me by that name?  Do I look like one of your parent's siblings?

Lucy: well, you better get used to it, the name, my face and everything, sister in-law (smiling)

Skylar: what did you just say?

Lucy: you heard me right?... Last time, I acted cool, just to you know, be on your good side but it seems like you don't like my good side...

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