Push Me

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Outside The School
Amber had come to do her final clearance when she bumped into Yadiel, they hug, Kendrick sees them

Yadiel: wow, Amber it's been a while

Amber: yeah, right?

Yadiel: how have you been dear?

Amber: fine, you see, I signed out already

Yadiel: wow, that's awesome! Congratulations, Nurse Amber

Amber: (smiling) thank you Dr. Yadiel

Yadiel: we really need to celebrate this!

Amber: oh no, that's not necessary

Yadiel: come on, Amber I'm not going to take no for an answer this time, allow me to treat you

Amber: uhh, you really don't have to, trust me

Yadiel: please Amber, just this once

Amber: oh alright

Yadiel: oh! Thank you, just wait here, let me go get my car

Amber: alright (Yadiel leaves, her phone rings: Kenny) hello

Ken: hi Amber, where are you?

Amber: uhh, I'm in school, why are you asking?

Ken: so what? I can't ask of your whereabouts now?

Amber: Kendrick? I don't get you

(Yadiel comes with her, he comes down to open the door for her, she enters and he closes the door)

Ken: you know what? Forget about it (cuts the call)

Amber: what is wrong with this one? Hmm

Yadiel: who's that?

Amber: uhh, it's nobody, nothing serious

Ken meets up with Seven

Seven: yo bro, what's up? Why's your face like this?

Ken: it's nothing serious

Seven: sey you dey craze ni? (You must be crazy right?) What do you mean "nothing"? Please be serious

Ken: fine! I saw Amber with one nigga like that

Seven: where did you see her?

Ken: in front of her school, I called her and asked her where she was, she's telling me she's in school and asking me why I'm asking, what bullshit

Seven: calm down, is it that you think she's lying or because you saw her with a guy?

Ken: which guy? That thing is a man, probably married sef (even)

Seven: which one dey vex you? (Which one is making you angry?)

Ken: both, okay? She wasn't in school, she was outside the school, I saw her smiling with that ugly man, she even entered his car

Seven: that person may be her friend

Ken: I don't care! Wait, who's side are you even on? Why are you siding with Amber?

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