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Phone rings: Kenny

Amber: (smiles, picks up) hello, good afternoon

Kendrick: hi... How are you dear?

Amber: I'm fine, you?

Kendrick: uhm... I don't really know

Amber: why, what happened?

Kendrick: well, I'm missing my baby

Amber: oh! You have a baby? And you didn't even tell me. So you are somebody's husband and father? Kendrick

Ken: (chuckles) you are not serious

Amber: (smiles) you are the serious one naw

Ken: yeah, I'm serious, I miss you my baby

Amber: (blushing) oh... So where's my mummy? Daddy

Ken: (laughs) your mummy is in her house... How are your studies going my baby?

Amber: fine, fine... But they want to kill me here

Ken: who wants to kill my baby?

Amber: it's these lecturers o, I think maybe they are owing them their salaries, cause this torture is not ordinary

Ken: I'm so sorry dear. Just try, it'll all be over soon

Amber: I can't wait, this one month left is like a whole year

Ken: don't worry you'll be fine

Amber: thank you Ken

Ken: why are you calling me ken naw?

Amber: what do you want me to call you ni?

Ken: so if everybody is calling me Ken, you'll join them?

Amber: oya (okay) what do you want me to call you?

Ken: something nice and sweet, one that only you will call me

Amber: oya tell me naw

Ken: no, I want you to choose it

Amber: uhh... Okay, let me think of something... Uhm, how about Okomi?

Ken: "Okomi" what's the meaning? It sounds like Yoruba

[YORUBA: One of the three main ethnic groups in Nigeria]

Amber: yeah, it's Yoruba

Ken: what's the meaning?

Amber: I don't know, go find out

Ken: Baby stop naw, tell me

Amber: (chuckles) I don't know na

Ken: how will you not know? You know but you don't want to tell me right?

Amber: uhm, maybe

Ken: don't worry, I'll find out

Amber: yeah, you should

Ken: and I'll get back to you to tell if I like the name or not

Amber: hmm, the choice is all yours

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