Lovey-Dovey (Love Wins)

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Alora's Home
Kendrick had come to visit. He decided to come talk to Samira, she had stopped talking to him after their last brawl. He wants to work out things with his baby sister.

He knocks before entering her room, she's seen sitting on her bed, using her phone, she sees him and looks back at her phone, ignoring him.

Kendrick: hey baby (sits on the bed) how are you my baby?

Samira: I'm not your baby

Ken: you're my baby and you know that

Samira: I don't want to be your baby so don't call me that

Ken: okay... I know you're mad at me cause of last time, baby I'm sorry

Samira: I don't need your apologies, besides, it's your life right? You can do whatever you want

Ken: I know... Buy, you're a part of my life too

Samira: oh really?

Ken: yes... Sammy, I'm sorry for raising my voice at you and treating you badly, I'm sorry and I regret everything I did, please forgive me baby... Mm, will you forgive me?

Samira: I don't know

Ken: please naw... I'll make it up to you, I promise I'll make it up to you

Samira: I'll think about it

Ken: (chuckles) really?

Samira: yes... Does it look like I'm joking?

Ken: (laughs shortly) ah... Should have not gotten on your bad side, I forgot how cranky you can get when you get angry... Okay baby, him wait for you to forgive me. But then, I have a request

Samira: what request?

Ken: well, I need your help on something

Samira: (looking at him weirdly) what could that be?

Ken: I... I want to get back with Amber

Samira: what?!

Ken: yes Sammy and I need your help with that

Samira: (chuckles) you actually think I'll help you? Me? Me? When I brought her the other time, what did you do? Sebi you were shouting at me and you chased her away, now you want me to help you?

Ken: but Sammy, that's why I apologized first, I'm sorry for what I did okay? I'm sorry... I regret everything, okay? I... I wish I didn't chase her away back then, maybe by now we'd have been okay, please Sammy

Samira: so what do you want me to say to her? Do you know how broken she was back then? See... I already told her that you've moved on and you have a new girlfriend and that she slept over at your house

Ken: ah ah! Sammy, Sammy why naw?

Samira: what do you mean why? Aunt Amber still had her hopes on you, I had hope, but they all crashed when you brought that ugly looking lady to your house, you think I'll even allow aunt Amber to cone back to you?

Ken: ha! Sammy... See, I'm not doing anything with that lady

Sammy: then why did you bring ger to your house?

Ken: I don't know... I just... Like just to pass time

Samira: pass time, I see

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