I'm sorry

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Kendrick has not been himself since the last time he met Amber, Aunt Carlotta is gone so he's back to his own house. Life has not been the same for him, he's devastated and wants to give up. He watched in one night how everything he worked out for, took a U-turn, life make no meaning anymore.
He's doing things he abstained from doing before, alcohol is now his best friend, he no longer goes to work, and he's always angry, at anything and at anybody.
It's been three weeks already, Ken doesn't seem to be moving on anytime soon.

Skylar comes to see him
She walks into house only to see the whole unkempt. Her brother is not known to be an untidy person

Skylar: Ken? Kendrick! (She picks up things as she walks into his room) Kendrick (she sees him on the floor with a bottle of alcohol) Kendrick! What are you doing?! (Drags the bottle from him) What the hell do you think you're doing?! Jesus, when did you start taking alcohol?!

Ken: can you please leave me alone?

Skylar: leave you alone? Kendrick, what happened to you, your phone is switched off, I couldn't reach you, I went to your office and your secretary told me you've been to work for some time now, what has gotten into you? Now you're taking alcohol?! Is this all because of that Amber?!!

Ken: can you please not mention that name?! Please!! If you're here to make noise, I think you should leave now! This is my life! I'll choose to do whatever with it! (Walks away to the living to get another bottle of alcohol, Skylar follows him)

Skylar: Kendrick, I don't understand you anymore? Tell me, what's going on? You know you can talk to me about anything, Kendrick, alcohol won't do you any good, if this is about Amber, I'll...

Ken: shut up!! (Breaks the bottle on the floor, Skylar screams in shock) shut the fuck up!! Okay!!! I am sick and tired of hearing that name!

Skylar: Kendrick...

Ken: (in a teary tone) she told me she doesn't love me, she's said she doesn't love me!!!

Skylar: what?

Ken: I... I asked her out, and she, she rejected me!!!

Skylar: you see what I've been saying all this time? But you wouldn't listen to me!

Ken: shut up! This is all your fault!!

Skylar: what? How is any of this my fault?

Ken: everything going well before you came in between us! You caused all this!

Skylar: oh! So now you want to put the blame on me?! Go ahead and put the blame on me! If she really loved you she would have fought for you! But no, she gave up

Ken: she loves me!

Skylar: she doesn't love you!

Ken: she loves me! And I know that!

Skylar: stop making a fool out of yourself Kendrick! Have some pride! You are a man! Forget about her!

Ken: I can't! Okay?! (Falls to the floor) I can't bring myself to forget about her... I, I... I still love her, so much,, due hurt me so much but why can't I bring myself to hate her?! Why do I still love her?! Why?!!

Skylar: (bends down to hug him) that's enough okay? None of this is your fault. Kendrick you have ger yourself back

Ken: no, no (shakes his head slowly in disagreement) no..
My life is meaningless without Amber

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