update about something :-:

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I know this isn't the update that you guys were hoping it might be

Hello everyone that was reading this it has been long since I touch this ask and dare book
I didn't think a lot of stuff got me distracted when I was writing this book like school, friends, family and my own problems I was thinking about if I should continue doing this for fun again or focus on something that was from last year
It was my fault for not giving anyone an update I'm sorry for that and disappearing I hope later on I can continue this or I may stop and focus on a art account I have on Instagram it's not much it tells a little story about me in a way I want others to know and feel how I can think about or in my situation
I do want to focus on my writing and art more it's really hard knowing that I started this book in 6th grade and didn't really think much to it until now
This was a fun book to write for those that love it and smile I miss doing that but I do need to focus on my life more since it feels like breaking ice
This is just a update it was hard for me trying to explain myself to you guys I don't really have much to say now but if you guys want to ask questions I'll try answering them
Bye again take care

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