2 Dares

168 1 12

Kagetsuri:Ok,I dare the "killer squad" to get in.

US_Frisk:I been here just looking at the waterfall

The Killer Squad:*came out of nowhere*

US_Frisk:WHAT TH-......

The Killer Squad:.......

(I'm bringing the other dare when the Killer Squad is near the Cool and Determined Squad)

The Killer Squad:*walk to Snowdin and sees the Cool and Determined Squad playing in the snow*

The Determined Squad:*sees the Killer Squad with no fear and wave at them*

The Cool Squad:Are theyyour friends?

The Determined Squad:Yes

The Cool Squad:*waves hi to the Killer Squad and ask them to play with them*

The Killer Squad:*join to play with the others*

(Here comes are next dare)

Kagetsuri:And aslo, US!Frisk to kiss US!Chara ! Because I ship these two!

US_Frisk:.....No way am I doing that

SS_Chara:You had to do it for the ship right guys


US_Chara:Do what?

US_Frisk:*blushes* Noth-

Everyone:A dare

US_Chara:Are you ok Frisk? You are looking a little red

US_Frisk:It's just the snow

Rie:*is going to push US_Frisk to US_Chara so they can kiss and tells everybody about the plan*

Everyone:*agrees with Rie and play along with the plan*

Rie:*pushes US_Frisk to US_Chara*

US_Frisk:*has been pushed and kiss US_Chara*!!!

Everyone:*brings out there phones and take pictures*

US_Frisk:*breaks kiss and runs to the waterfall*

US_Chara:*blushes and runs inside to Blue and Paps house*

Rie:I hope you guys like it but can you guys tell us where is the Lazy Squad I haven't see them at all I hope that they are all right and do you want us to change the Killer Squad's name or not bye guys and I hope you guys enjoy the ship as well

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