I'm StoryShift Chara I'll be glad to do dares or hear what you guys have to say I hope you guys enjoy (plus the all pictures and the AU doesn't belong to me)
Cross_Sansy:Cross and Dream pop in! Can the Frrrisky couple handle le sheer awesomeness of Cream???!!!
*Cross and Dream pop out of nowhere*
Mirror and me:.......
Cross,Dream,Mirror and me:........
Everybody calm down guys there is not going to be any ship wars or comments
Paps:There was alot of ships right guys
Everyone:Yes too many of them the ships are closing in on us
.....*walks away*
Mirror:Chara tells me about Cross and Dream and I think they are cool
Dream:Cross tells me about StoryShift Chara and Frisk and I think they are cool
Cross:*is talking to ghost Chara that nobody doesn't see or hear them*
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I think Mirror,Dream and Cross are going to be good friends I just that there is no ship wars and yes there maybe ship wars going on that I hope that won't happen and pictures don't belong to me