Breaking The Barrier?

122 0 6

FrostedMidnight:Is mirror (and other frisks) gonna eventually break the barrier or are you guys gonna stay in the underground. Ps:the cool squad might get confused so don't show them yet if need be.

The Determined Squad: The barrier has been broke like a 6 days ago the monsters are still down here cause some of the humans are helping the monsters by building a town or village for monsters and some of the monsters are helping the humans

The Determined Squad:What?

The Lazy Squad:Nothing

The Cool Squad:We know what you mean the Lazy Squad help us cause we we're confused

The Lazy Squad:Yep

The Killer Squad:....

(Sorry I didn't update I was busy with stuff and sorry that this is short I'm not dead as well and the other dare or ask well be out as well...bye guys)

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