Chapter 7

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"Well. That took you long enough." Thyme said, snootily, and thoughts of a pay raise was the only thing stopping Tine from wringing his neck.

"Yeah, well, Joss was an old friend." Tine replied, discreetly wiping a red-rimmed eye with the back of his hand.

"An ex, I presume." Thyme observed. "Well, not that I care. So where to next, Tine?"

Tine mentally counted to ten as he took deep breaths. He can't believe how someone so rude and snooty could be so willing and pliant in bed. He can clearly remember Thyme Chivaaree's soft moans and delirious whines of more, more, faster, harder , and that obedient little kitten in bed was an extreme contrast to the impertinent shithead beside him right now. However, years of working in the service industry had shaped Tine for this.

"Of course, Thyme. We're going to the art gallery next, hopefully to meet your mystery man."

"He is not my man!" Thyme replied, heatedly, a warm flush spreading up from his neck to the bottom part of his sunglasses. "It's just...some unfinished business. Don't imply like there's some dirty secret between us!"

Thyme had, of course, referred to him as his mystery man inside his head. But mentioned by others brought the implication of a secret dalliance, and the implication of a secret dalliance led his mind astray to not-so-innocent thoughts. It left him flustered.

Interesting. "Of course there isn't." Tine replied smoothly. "Just some unfinished, innocent business between two strangers."

    Tawan Vihokratana

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Tawan Vihokratana. Aged twenty-eight. Works as a professional photographer.

"So tell me more about this Tawan guy." Thyme said as they walked around the museum, trying to locate Tawan.

"Well," Tine began, "I don't really know much about him. What I know is he's a really good photographer. He gets all these big clients from Bangkok and gets paid a fortune to photograph them. He's from these parts, originally, though, so the museum is holding an exhibit of his shots. Which is why we're here looking for him."

Huh. Thyme thought. Sounds like one of those boring, emotional types. Definitely doesn't sound like the beast who pounded into him repeatedly until he was raw and writhing in a delicious mix of pleasure and pain. But, anyway, Thyme had already rejected two out of five potential men in Tine's list. He doesn't want to reject this one without a visual check at the very least.

"Tine!" A warm voice called, softly. Thyme turned and saw a tall, tan man in a plaid shirt and khakis grinning at them.

"Tawan!" Tine replied, genially, to which Thyme rolled his eyes. Tine just said that he and Tawan weren't that well-acquainted, yet here he was greeting the latter like a long lost friend. Was this boy so naturally friendly? Thyme noticed Tawan looking at him and gave the boy a curt nod. It didn't escape Thyme's notice that his two companions shared a look that seemed to say 'yeah, sorry about that.'

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