Chapter 17

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Thyme had been dreading this day for months, but for different reasons than before.

He used to dread this day because of what it meant. It was the day that the love of his life was getting married. Yes, Kavin had never really expressed an interest in him in a way that meant more than friendship, but at least, when he was single, Thyme could still hope. Anyway, that was the Thyme of three-months-past.

The Thyme of today still dreaded this day, however. After all, Kavin's wedding was in Bangkok and Thyme had left his heart in Phuket.

"Thyme, will you stop making that face?" MJ muttered under his breath. They were seated in the hall, waiting for the soon-to-be-wedded couple to make an appearance so the ceremony can begin.

"What face?" Thyme replied with a frown. His face was perfectly fine (and handsome, according to Tine, and as far as Thyme was concerned, Tine is always right).

"That scary face you're making when you're looking at your phone like it's done a grave offense against you. Stop it. You're scaring the other guests."

Ren snickered beside them. "If you want Thyme to stop looking like that, then maybe you should call Tine and tell him to reply to Thyme's texts."

Thyme's brow furrowed at the insinuation. Do they have Tine's number? How dare they!

"Dude, chill, I'm not going to steal your man." Ren said with a roll of his eyes. Thyme can be pretty transparent sometimes.

"Hah. As if you can."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, we get it. You went to Phuket to do some family business shit and get over your crush on your bestfriend who's getting married and then end up falling in love and learning more about yourself along the way. And then you live happily ever after. Standard romantic film material here. I can't believe I'm friends with a walking cliche." MJ snorted. Thyme only stuck his tongue out at him.

"Anyway," MJ continued, "if you and your loverboy are really in your honeymoon phase right now and it's an absolute tragedy that you are separated for even a few days, why didn't you just bring him here? I'm sure Kavin wouldn't have minded."

"Now, are you absolutely sure you won't need me there?" Tine asked with a worried look on his face.

Thyme rolled his eyes in faux annoyance. It's an open secret among the two of them that he loves it when Tine mothers him like this. He pretends otherwise, though.

"Tine, relax. It's just a wedding. I'm not going to break down in the middle of the ceremony." Thyme replied, returning his attention to his knitting.

"Are you sure?" Tine said, worry still evident in his voice.

Thyme snorted. "Of course. Trust me. I'm really, truly, honestly happy now for Kav and Day." He turned to the boy beside him. "And it's because of you, sweetheart."

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