Chapter 6

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Joss Way-ar. Aged twenty-nine. Works as a fitness instructor in the local gym.

These were the notes annotated to the first name on the list. It really was a blessing that Tine had dated him (very briefly) and that the latter had broken his heart to smithereens before, which was why Joss kinda owed him now. And was the reason why he was willing to meet with Tine on such a short notice. One thing to know about these ultra-rich types like Thyme Chivaaree? They want what they want NOW.

Tine had requested a meeting with Joss yesterday night, right after Thyme's staff dropped him home. Just a quick meeting, he said. They could even have it at the fitness center's juice bar! Joss, meanwhile, proved to be very accommodating. It seems that, despite their little issue happening years ago and Tine having a boyfriend since then, Joss was still feeling guilty about it. And, well, Tine wasn't above taking advantage of a detail like that.

And so, here we are.

After arriving a quarter past one, Tine was quietly enjoying his smoothie when he heard a loud, booming voice calling his name from a distance. "Tine!" Joss waved, excitedly. Tine waved back as the former jogged the short distance from the entrance to Tine's seat.

"I'm so happy to see you!" Joss exclaimed, "it's been ages!"

"Joss, you swing by the cafe from time to time."

"Yeah? Well, it isn't the same as now that you don't have work and we're actually going to chit-chat!"

Tine felt guilty about that because, technically, this is work. He gave Joss an awkward smile.

"So! Tell me everything! Tell me what's new in your life! Are you and Sarawat getting married yet?"

Tine's heart dropped. His breathing quickened, and he felt memories he'd rather forget surface at the top of his mind. Sarawat playing guitar in their room. Sarawat teaching him how to strum the strings. Sarawat asking him to be his boyfriend. Sarawat making love to him for the first time. It was like an imaginary hand gripped Tine's heart and started to wring it dry.

Contrary to other people, Tine hated happy memories the most. They were reminders of what you once had. They were reminders of what you lost. At the mention of Sarawat's name, Tine was reminded of the very things he had so carefully packed in a neat box inside his head and stored away to gather dust. His smile was forced when he said:

"We broke up. A few months ago." He prayed that Joss wouldn't ask for more because these were details that he really doesn't have the emotional space to process right now. But, apparently, Joss couldn't take a hint.

"Oh! I'm sorry, Tine! I didn't know! To be honest, I never really expected. The two of you were so perfect for each other, you know? Even back when we were dating, it was obvious even to me that there was something special."

Was. If Joss wasn't a full head taller than Tine and was built like a world-class wrestler, Tine would have punched his pretty mouth.

"I...I'd rather not talk about it." Tine managed to grit out. And Joss was about to reply to this, a reply that Tine would honestly not rather hear because Joss's eyes were a good mix of pity and curiosity at the moment.

And then, suddenly, the windchimes by the doorway jangled and Tine breathed a sigh of relief. If this isn't a distraction, then Tine doesn't know what is.

Thyme Chivaaree was decked in animal print from head-to-toe, he looked like someone from the World Wildlife Foundation (only he was the one being rescued and not the rescuer). He was wearing big, dark sunglasses, which looked a bit pretentious since they were indoors, but Tine knew not to say anything of it since it probably cost more than his monthly salary. Thyme looked around, appearing to be searching for someone. Tine enthusiastically waved at him.

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