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I tapped her on the shoulder, waking her up. She stretched and yawned, getting up to see her coconuts pop out of the sliding sheets.

"Hola amor." She said nonchalantly.

She gave me a kiss on the cheek and got up. Her naked body was so mesmerizing. Her curves, her waist, her ass. I must be one lucky girl if we actually did do the deed. Speaking of which, I needed to ask her.

"Hey amor, I need to ask you something important." I said as she put on her dress on.

"Did we have sex?"

She chuckles a bit then looks at me.

"No. You wanted to though." She said

"You got naked and because I was a little tipsy, I took my clothes off too. We didn't do anything though."

I sighed. Not in relief, rather in disappointment. I thought we actually did do it. I got off the bed, put on some clothes and we both headed downstairs since Mirabel was calling all of us. We saw everyone getting their food and were about to sit down. We got our food, sat down next to each other and started talking. I saw Luisa and Dolores together and Camilo teasing them and we laugh together.

"So Dolores," Mirabel said.

"When's your wedding with Y/N?"

Everyone ooohs surround us and Dolores laughs.

"Not yet, but hopefully soon."

"Slow down mija." Pepa said.

"Always take things slow. That's how a relationship lasts." She said hugging Felix.

"Take things slow pero tiene 3 niños." Julieta remarks quietly but making sure everyone hears.

We laugh hysterically and Pepa starts going off on Julieta. It turns into a gentle roasting session between the two, Bruno not getting into it because he know they'll rip him to shreds. It was when Abuela got up when everyone became silent.

"Niñas, niñas, calm down." She said, becoming the calmest out of everyone.

"Let's just be happy that we have our miracles of our children."

Everyone calms down and sit back down.

"Besides, I had to deal with you three as well." Abuela remarks.

Everyone bursts out laughing again. Pepa laughed so hard she cried tears and started raining with rainbows crossing the sky.

We dried ourselves and continued eating. After a couple of hours talking and finishing eating, Dolores and I decided to walk around the town. Its like one of the only things we can do here anyways. We talked about how are future wedding would look like and how pretty it would be.
We bumped into some people and waved at them. They were pretty polite and we both went on out way. One of them however stayed with us and talked over us at times.

"Dolores, has enyone told you que hermosa te miras." He said.

She seemed a little annoyed by him being here but also trying to flirt with her.

"Señor, could you leave us be?" She said politely.

"I'd like to hang with my girlfriend in peace."

"Girlfriend?" He said looking at me. "Even better."

That was her last straw. She turned to look at him and smacked him. He walked back and fell to the floor.

"Mira cochino, you are not gonna talk to me or her that way!" She yelled, covering her ears.

Everyone nearby looked at us and he seemed really embarrassed. He tried to pick himself up and ran away. I tried to ease the situation by laughing, but stopped when I saw Dolores still frustrated.

"Amor, calm down. He's gone now." I said.

"Why are some men so disgusting? 'Even better? That's so gross."

" I know but now he won't do anything, I promise."

I gently turned her head to make look at me. As she sees that I'm upset by her being upset, she finally calms down and smiles.

"Let's go to the panaderia amor. Tengo hambre." Dolores said, her stomach growling.

We chuckled then made our way to the panadería. We ordered our things and talked more about a wedding that will happen soon we laughed and bonded even more. Our things came and we shared a banana smoothie together. And just like that,

My life felt so complete.

I heard you~ (Dolores Madrigal x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now