Chapter 1

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        My name is Zoella McCarty, and I am currently passing threw Seatle, Washington, You may ask were my parents are, well my mother died giving birth to me. All she left me with was the name of my father, a picture of him, and a charm bracelet of hers. I have been on my own ever since. After I became full grown I went in search of my father, and I have been searching for him ever since. But finally I have gotten a lead. I met a nomadic vampire named Garret, who recognized my fathers photo. Apparently he resides in a large coven, that currently resides in Forks, Washington. I should be at my destination in less than five minutes, because my gift is that I am stronger and faster than a normal vampire. I stopped in a forested area in Seatle to hunt. I learned myself that you hunt animals, instead of humans. After I took down three bears, my favorite, I was ready to meet my father. When I finally arrived at the address that Garrett gave me, I was amazed to find a beautiful home, with a lot of windows. I walked up slowly, and knocked on the door.

        A human anwsered the door. She had brown hair and brown eyes, and was wearing worn jeans and a sweat shirt. Oddly she was also wearing a beautiful pair of white heels. "Hello! Does a man by the name of Emmett live hear?' I asked. She nodded. "Emmett theirs someone at the door for you," she called. Soon after my dad came down the stairs, and to the door. "Hi, what can I do for you?" he asked. "I'm Zoella McCarty, your daughter." I said. He looked shocked, and motioned for me to come inside. "How is this possible, I'm a vampire? Vampire's can't have children." he mummbled. "My mom was a human, I'm half vampire. She died giving birth to me, and I've been looking for you since I was full grown." I said. He nodded. Suddenly a blonde woman was at his side. "Em, who is this?" she asked. He looked terrified to say, like he was scaried of what she would say. "Rose this is m-my daughter, Zoella. Apparently she is the product of a one night stand when I rebeled." he said, looking down. She looked at him, and if looks could kill dad would be dead. She grabbed him by the ear, and dragged him outside.

        I walked farther into the house to see a bronzed haired man and a blonde man sitting on the couch watching the T.V. "Hi," I said akwardly. " Hello, I'm Edward and this is Jasper," he said. I nodded. "I'm Zoella," I said holding my hand out. They each shook my hand. "Do you know what was happening between Rosalie and Emmett?" asked Edward. "Umm yeah. She found out that I'm his daughter. I'm a half vampire, and he had a fling with a human," I said. They looked shocked, but before they could ask any questions a short dark haired girl swooped in. "Hi I'm Alice, I saw you coming. We're going to be best friends. Why don't you come outside, and meet Esme and Bella." she said. I followed her onto the deck. I saw the same girl that opened the door, and another woman who looked to be in her 20's. "Bella, Esme, this is Zoella, Emmett's daughter." she introduced. They both smiled at me. "I guess should tell you about our family. Emmett and Rosalie , Jasper and I are, Esme and Carslile, and Bella and Edward are all mates. We are like a big family. Esme and Carslile are Jasper, Emmett, Rosalie, Edward, and I's  parents. So I guess that makes them your grandparents. Bella is getting married to Edward in a couple of weeks, so she will be your aunt and so will I." she said. I felt very welcome in this family. I knew that when I came here I would have a dad, but not 2 uncles, 2 aunts, and grandparents. I was so happy. "By the way just a warning there is a pack of werewolves living near by. We have a treaty with them, so make sure you don't go into their land." she said. Werewolfs? I had heard about them, but I have never acutualy seen one. Just when I was about to ask about them, dad and Rosalie were back.

        "Hi Zoe, I'm sorry I over reacted back there, but I was upset with your dad. I would love to get ot know you. I have always wanted a child of my own, and I would be honored to call my daughter." she  said. I was happy that she accepted me, because I would not let myself be a problem starter between them. I hugged her, and she accepted it. "I would like that," I said. "So I heard that there is going to be a wedding. Need any help?" I asked. "Omg, I have the perfect job for you!" said Alice dragging me into the house. This was going to be a long night. 

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