Chapter 5

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"Aunt Bella, your pregnant?" I asked her. She nodded. I had conflicting feelings. I was happy that she was pregnant, but just not with a half vampire baby. She could die. I think everyone knew that. "Could you please keep your thoughts to yourself, Zoella?" asked uncle Edward. Oops, I didn't mean for him to hear that. "How could you be so stupid? It's going to kill her!" I said furiously. "Say the word Zoe! Baby! It's just a little baby!" yelled my mom. "It's not like you care about Bella's well being! You only care about the baby! You know what could happen to her, but you don't care. You know that if Bella dies then Edward will want to die, and you finally get to have your precious baby!" I yell back. I storm up the stairs, and into my room.

I lay on my bed crying, for what seemed like hours before I heard a tap on my window. Got up slowly, and saw that it was Seth and opened it. "I heard what happened to Bella, Jake told the whole pack. They want to kill it, because it's going to kill Bella and our job is to protect humans," he said. "Seth if they try to kill it their going to kill Bella," I wailed. "Don't worry Jake, Leah, and I broke from the pack to protect you all," he said. "Your going to protect a family of vampires?" I asked. "Of course, but only because it's your family," he paused. "I guess I should probably tell you," he said. "Tell me what?" I asked. "There is this thing that wolves do, it's called imprinting. It's when you look at her and your whole world stops, nothing else matters but her," he said. "It sounds like you have imprinted," I said. So he was telling me that we needed to break up, because he found his imprint. I could feel tears running down my face. "Why are you crying?" he asked. "Because you found your imprint, but I love you," I wailed. "Hey calm down," he said pulling me into a hug, "Your my imprint, and I love you too." When I heard those words, I couldn't help but hug him harder.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2015 ⏰

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