Chapter 14

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Cubert was tired.

The journey to Gravity Falls had been long and hard. If he had to walk one more mile, his feet would surely fall off. Buff Frog was currently setting a strong pace a few feet ahead of him and Pony Head was floating along. It was like that man -frog- had an endless reserve of stamina.

Or will.

Whatever the case, Cubert wasn't sure if he would've made it half as far without Buff Frog and Pony head. While they were searching for Star for different reasons, they pushed each other to keep moving.

A team is stronger than a man by himself.

Buff Frog had the most experience on Earth and was able to read maps and road signs. Pony Head could float up above the trees to search for important landmarks. At first, it was Cubert's determination that kept the group moving, but his strength had faded with every day and Buff Frog was the one that kept everyone moving forward now.

It made him feel like he didn't contribute much to the group anymore. Which, to be fair, he didn't. The only thing he really brought to the table was the message he needed to give Star.

Finding Gravity Falls hadn't been that hard, all they'd had to do was follow the maps. Finding where Star was in Gravity Falls turned out to be much harder. While no one seemed surprised at the giant frog-man and floating unicorn-head, they all steered clear of the trio. It was like they'd had a bad experience with monsters before or something.

"I'm tired of this," Buff Frog grumbled, sitting on a log by the diner, "No one will talk. I did not come this far to fail."

"Maybe you should go talk to them," Pony Head said to Cubert, "You could pass as a human."

Cubert was about to reject the idea but decided to think things through. Humans were vile creatures that had killed many of his friends. Yet, they needed their help in order to protect Star and eventually save Queen Moon. Would he let his hatred stop him from completing his goals?

And this way he could be useful to the group again.

Cubert nodded and headed into the diner, trying his best to look as human as possible. His nose wrinkled in disgust when he opened the door.

"Pick any seat you like," the woman behind the counter said. It seemed one of her eyes wasn't working and the booths looked like they were supposed to be replaced a decade ago. They were covered in stains and the seams were coming undone. The barstools were in mildly better condition, so that's where he went. It also put him closer to the only person in the building.

"Here's a coffee," She had an off-white mug filled with a black liquid that spilled onto the counter when she set it down, "Oh dear, give me a second and I'll fix that."

Cubert took a small sip and nearly choked. This stuff was horrible.

The waitress noticed his look and handed him a small pitcher of milk.

"I haven't seen you around these parts before," her one eye narrowed in suspicion.

"I'm looking for my brother and sister," Cubert blurted out before he could think. Stupid, he chided himself, Star and Marco aren't related. He should've run through some lines before he'd walked in here.

Apparently, he'd said the right thing though, because she gave him a big smile.

"Oh, well why didn't you say so. I saw those two back at the Mystery Shack the other day. When you leave, take a left and then follow all the signs that Stan's put up. You can't miss them," she turned to go into the kitchen before adding, "Oh – and don't worry about paying me for that coffee, it's on the house. Those two helped me out a lot last summer."

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