Chapter 15

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Marco couldn't believe there had been a meeting held without him!

He hadn't even bothered to ask what was going on, but he'd been able to figure most of it out. Mina was on her way here with an army. Normally, Marco would be scared out of his mind at the thought of facing Mina again, but this time, he was just so tired of fighting the never-ending battle between good and evil. More than anything, Marco wished that this would be the final battle.

The one upside to Mina's army was that every monster was out in the woods getting familiar with the area and setting traps... which left the basement empty.

Not that Marco particularly cared much about being seen fixing the portal. It's not like he was doing anything wrong, but Bill had told him it was better this way, and he was too tired to argue. Bill had told him that the surprise would make his achievements even grander.

It was weird, being able to think while having no control over your body.

Bill was currently using Marco's body, and, ever since his fight with Star, Bill had even let him stay conscious during these times. This way, he could remember things that people said to Bill and not blow their cover.

Why was Bill being kept a secret again?

Marco shrugged.

Well, he shrugged in his mind.

There was so much he didn't understand these days. He still didn't even know how Star knew Mabel and Dipper, or how Mabel had known his name! If they were going to keep secrets from him, then it was only fair that he should keep secrets from them. Besides, they'd thank him once he fixed everything. And then he'd make them tell him everything. He was so sick and tired of being kept out of the loop. At least Bill was honest with him.

It was entrancing to see Bill work. Sure, the triangle man was limited by the physical characteristics of a scrawny teenager, but it seemed Bill enjoyed pushing the body to its maximum potential. Plus, the creature was more intelligent than anything he'd ever encountered. Marco could see the calculations flying around in his mind as Bill figured out the more technical aspects of getting the portal up and running again.

Plus, being in his head gave him time to think. Was the Realm of Magic really magic? Marco remembered an old quote he'd heard once stating that magic was just science that we didn't understand yet...

But Star's civilization was far behind Marco's in nearly every other way. With the exception of the wands, Mewmans were basically in medieval times. Did the Magical High Commission create the technology that everyone perceived as magic, or did they just maintain it?

And from what he understood, Glossaryck was the founder of the Commission. So maybe he created the technology? But if you could travel to any dimension, why not give it to a more advanced society?

"That's Cute, Kid," Bill said, using Marco's mouth, "But You're On The Right Track. Why Would Good Ol' Glossaryck Give Super Advanced Technology To Mewmans? Because He Was Arrogant And Egotistical. In His Dimension, He Was A Nobody. But By Giving Mewmans Such Power, They Worshipped Him As A God."

Bill knew Glossaryck?

"Glossaryck And I Have A Long History. I Was Even On The Magical High Commission Before I Tried To Stop Them From Enslaving The Mewman Race," Bill paused, "I Can Feel Your Confusion, So Let Me Explain. First Off, Glossaryck Isn't Some Manifestation Of Magic Like He Made The Mewmans Believe. Ha! Good Old Pointdexter Probably Saw A Few Of His Race When He Was Traveling Through Dimensions. If Glossaryck Had Never Given Mewmans His Advanced Technology, Then They Would Have Progressed Similar To Humans Because, Well, They Are Humans. Glossaryck Kidnapped Them For His Own Benefit. When He Gave Them Magic Wands, They Had No Reason To Advance Their Own Technology. He Also Gave The Wands To The Royal Family Specifically Because Such Power Ensured The Survival Of The Monarchy And Halted All Other Technological Advancements.

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