Chapter 3

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Marco couldn't breathe. Earth, his home planet, the place where he grew up, was being destroyed. He had fought hard to protect the monsters of Mewni, but this was different. Earth had very little experience dealing with creatures as foreign as this. The collision of two worlds had only happened a few minutes ago, but he could already hear sirens wailing in the distance.

"I can't believe it!" Star couldn't contain herself. She was bouncing in circles around him, "This is so great! I don't know why I never thought of doing this years ago! Humans and Mewmans, living together!"

She continued to run all over the place with a gigawatt smile plastered on her face. If it were any wider, her head might've split open.

Then Star noticed the grim expression on Marco's face. She slowly came to a stop and her smile faded.

"Why the sad face?" She asked, "This is the best of both worlds, literally. We destroyed the magic realm and I get to see both my mewman and human friends," Star hugged herself and quietly added, "and I don't get to lose you."

"You don't get it," Marco replied, "Humans... we don't exactly have a good history. Humans have done so much harm to our environment. We constantly exploit any animals that can't fight back against us, and if they do then we kill them.

"Even within our own species we've messed up a lot. Humans have kept each other as slaves since as far back as our written history goes. How do you think they're going to react to aliens just suddenly appearing all over our planet?"

"Don't be silly Marco. I was able to get mewmans to accept them and I'm sure I can do the same for humans. Just you wait and see!" Star had the audacity to laugh at Marco. At the seriousness of what had happened.

"Humans don't get along with other humans just because their skin is a different color!" Marco exclaimed, "How on Earth do you think you'll get them to accept giant spiders and slime people and everyone else?"

"Stop being dramatic, Marco," Star waved her hand dismissively, "I think I can handle this."

Marco couldn't believe what he was hearing! They had been on countless adventures together, and Marco always listened to whatever Star told him about Mewni. But the second he tries to tell her how messed up his planet was, she completely ignores him!

And they were dating now! Don't misread the situation, Marco was ecstatic to finally be with Star, but shouldn't mean that they listen to each other? That they communicate?

Thoughts of rage crept into his mind. Marco felt betrayed. He didn't deserve to be treated like a dog who didn't know better than his owner! He was his own human being and he had the right to be listened to!

Marco's vision tainted yellow and he turned to Star, ready to do some damage, when they heard cries for help in the distance. Star grabbed his hand and yanked him in the general direction she thought it came from. they went as fast as their legs could carry them; their argument temporarily forgotten.

The tint had faded from his vision and his mind had calmed down by the time they came across a giant spider creature that was making itself comfortable on top of a family's house. There was webbing all over the yard and the family was by their mailbox quivering in fear.

"Someone help us!" the mother cried out, "our baby is still in there!"

Star narrowed her eyes in determination.

"Don't worry, we got this."

"Hi, um, Dave?" She walked up to the mewman monster and waved. Marco hung back to comfort the family. He assured them that despite what it looked like, this random teenager had a lot of experience with these types of situations.

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