CHAPTER 3: Arataki "Best Cellmate in Inazuma" Itto

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Days turn into weeks as you and Itto share the cell together. You and him are fairly used to each other's company by now, his snoring, your drawing, his immaturity, your moodiness, his loud peeing, all of it is a fully learned routine, you even taught him how to wash his hands. As the days passed, you began to appreciate his company, even looking past the annoying moments like him constantly challenging you for a bed swap. You'd rather lose sanity by dealing with someone like Itto than to lose sanity while struggling alone in a cold cell.

"Mail for the Oni," announced a guard at the cell door, he drops an envelope through the bars.

"I have a name." Itto says.

The guard doesn't acknowledge him, he just walks away. Itto mutters curses at the guard while snatching the envelope from the ground. He opens it and unfolds the paper, and within the snap of a finger his face quickly switched into a shining smile.

"It's from Granny!" he says with excitment, you watch his eyes quickly scanning the letter, anticipating the reveal of details.

"What does it say?" you ask him.

"She's just letting me know that everything is alright," Itto says with a sniff, he then wipes his eyes with an arm.

"Are you okay?" you question him in concern.

"Yep, yep, I'm fine," he responds speedily, his eyes watery, "Ahhhh, man... I miss seeing her around, y'know." You watch him with sympathy as he sets the letter aside.

He sits down on the bed with a loud creak, then laughs to himself. After ruffling his hand through his hair he just looks forward at you, and sighs.

"I'm glad we're cellmates," he says, "most of the time when I'm locked up I'll have my gang around, but our cells got mixed up. But hey, you're basically a gang member now, so I'm still around my gang... Kinda!"

"Yeah, you are!" You say attempting optimism, you look down and twiddle your fingers in boredom.

"Soooo..." Itto begins looking around, "I've been wondering this for some time, and I wanted to ask you, when is your sentence ending?"

"When more proof comes," you answer him in a lowered voice, "I try not to worry about it too much, since the more I worry the worse everything feels, so... Just not thinking about it is all I can do right now."

"I see, I see..." Itto says with a slow nod, "Well, with whatever you have happen, you've got me and the gang through thick and thin, you couldn't get rid of us if you tried!"

You let out a small comforted laugh and smile. "That means a lot, Itto, thanks..."

"Ah! Wait, I almost forgot something," Itto picks up the envelope and takes out two lollipops, "Granny also sent these with the letter, I was gonna eat them both but I feel like you deserve a snack right now."

He throws a lollipop to you and it lands in your lap, you feel a spur of excitement to see something so colorful and edible, a treat that entirely contrasts the regular jail food. You slowly remove the wrapper and carefully lick the lollipop, your taste buds begin tingling in the sugary flavor of fruit. It's been a while since you last had something this delicious.

Before you're even aware, you stuff the lollipop into your mouth and revel in the treat.

"Good, huh!" Itto says with a grin, a lollipop stick poking out from the corner of his mouth, "I'm glad you like it! Also glad that Granny sent two of them, I would've felt bad having to eat one in front of you without sharing."

You take the lollipop out of your mouth. "You probably would've slobbered half of it and then given me the rest," you respond with a laugh.

"Yeah, I would've," Itto says, his serious tone makes your laugh pause, "I wonder though, if I did that, would you even eat it?"

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