CHAPTER 4: His Last Night

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Hesitantly opening your eyes, you look up to him without any movements. You see his fluffy hair falling over the start of his spine, contrasting with the crimson markings that decorate parts of his milky back. He turns his head and looks down at you, you just blink in response.

"Itto, what are you doing?" you groggily question him.

"Something is bugging me..." he responds, "I've got to... I'm leaving tomorrow."

You feel a chill run down your spine. The idea of Itto leaving and returning the cell to the empty, lonesome and cold state it was in before he came makes you feel very hollow and saddened.

"Man, It's funny because I'm normally fine with leaving jail," Itto says scratching his head, "but this time, I don't want to. I don't want to leave if you aren't leaving yet."

There's a lot going on in this moment. First, reality is starting to set in and you're on the verge of spiraling. Second, there's a practically naked Oni sitting a few inches away from you and you're trying not to stare at anything. Third, you're still very tired, but with all these worrisome thoughts filling your head you doubt that you'll be getting any sleep now.

Itto looks over at you. "You okay?"

"No..." you say, "I'm not."

Itto rests his hand gently on your arm with a small pat

"Hey, I'll do some crimes to get back in here if I have to," he says comfortingly, and with the way he operates you believe him.

"You shouldn't throw away your freedom for a random person," you say coldly, "it's not worth it."

"Don't say that!" Itto talks back, "Every member of the gang is worth it, especially you! You're not just some random person, me and you go a while back!"

"We've only known each other for a month." you respond.

"A month is a long time!" Itto says, his smile returning, "and for me, a month is long enough time for me to get to know someone! I even know what kind of farts you make!"

"Wait, what?" you question with a raised brow.

"It's the silent kind," Itto answers, "the ones that sound like little hisses, you always do them in your sleep, it's kinda cute honestly."

"Itto, this isn't the time for farts," you say, "I could potentially never see you again and you're going on about farts."

"Sorry, sorry..." Itto apologizes, "I mix up topics sometimes, it's a bad habit that I'm working on. Also what do you mean never see me again? Did you get a life sentence?"

"No, not really," you answer, "but if I don't get my case together, I'll practically be stuck here for life."

You could sense Itto tensing up. He looks worried and very concerned, in a way it's a little comforting to see someone be that moved by your problem, it shows that he cares.

"Ah, that's not good." He says anxiously, "I should just... Let you get your rest now, I'm sorry for bothering you, but if you need some sort of support while I'm here don't be scared to ask."

"I could use a hug." you say quietly, slightly lifting your arms to welcome Itto.

Itto just grabs you by the shoulders and pulls you up into a bear hug, patting you on the back. You turn your head and rest a cheek onto his chest, his pecs sort of feel like pillows. You feel enchanted by his hug, all worries have been temporarily muted. After a moment, he then pulls you onto his lap and just sits in silence, resting his chin on your head with his eyes closed.

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