CHAPTER 5: It's Oni the Beginning

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The morning feels more cold than usual as you awaken. You rub your eyes and stretch, then you push away the blanket, something feels off. You sit still for a moment and carefully open your eyes, then quickly pull the blanket back over yourself when you realize you're completely naked.

"What the?... Oh...." you think.

You begin remembering the night before, the memory of getting railed by Itto like a toy instantaneously smack you in the brain. On top of the memories returning, you start to notice a tense feeling in your throat and gut area. You look under the blanket and see stains of his semen decorating a few areas on the bed.

"That wasn't a wet dream..." you say aloud.

Itto happens to be waking up as well. He sits up with a loud yawn and stretch, the small fluffy white bushes in his armpits fully exposed.

"Oh, hey, morning!" He says groggily, scratching his belly button.

"Morning..." you say anxiously, then you look to the floor by your bed and see your clothes scattered nearby.

"Woo! Last night was crazy! Hehe," Itto says, "got a lot of energy out, really refreshing!"

Admittingly, you do feel refreshed yourself, to be stimulated so violently had a very soothing aftermath. The footsteps of a guard begin to come near the cell. He appears at the bars and stands there with two plates, pausing and looking around the cell, then looking at you and Itto.

"I don't need to know... Breakfast." the guard says with an exhausted sigh, he then slides the plates into the cell. "And Oni, you're leaving today. Get ready and... Give your pal here some farewells." The guard gives a few more cold glares and walks off.

You look at Itto, he looks at you, and then there's silence. He went from random stranger, to mutual cellmate, to friend, and just recently became an official lover... But now he'll be gone, all within a month. You begin to regret even starting to get attached to him, because his departure was going to happen eventually, but something in you refuses to regret him entirely.

"Hey, let's not get too down," Itto says, trying hard to be optimistic, "I can always try to break you out, or something!"

"There's no use in that," you say, "they'd notice me missing and track me down, then lock me back up in a worse situation than the current one."

Itto understands and goes silent. You swaddle yourself in the blanket and sit against the wall, then stare at the plates on the floor. Itto nervously looks around the cell, then redirects his attention back to you.

"How can I be Arataki 'Problem Solver' Itto when I can't even solve anything for you..." he says sorrowfully.

"It's not a problem for you to solve, Itto," you assure him, "it's just how things are, and I'm just rolling with the punches. Don't worry about it, let's just eat this junk before it gets cold."

You and Itto each get a plate from the floor, and quietly dine on the strange meals. Each bite comes with more and more realization of reality and time, and it's the most unpleasant thing you've felt in a while. You want to touch him again, hold him again, but at the same time you don't want to, because you know you won't let him go.

Itto sets his empty plate at his side. "Even though you're not getting released today," he begins, "you'll be released eventually, I'll wait, I'll even write you letters!"

"Alright, I'll hold you to your word," you tell him, "just don't do anything dumb to get locked back into this hellhole, I need you to promise that you won't."

"Okay fine, fine," Itto says frustratedly, "I'll give you a half promise though, because I can't guarantee that I wont have any fights with the authorities."

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