CHAPTER 2: Friendship Formation

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The inner sense of morning wakes you up, you slowly open your eyes while removing the pillow from around your head. Turning to your other side you look at Itto and nearly jump in fear, he's just laying there snoring with his eyes open. It's... Disturbing.

"He really does that..." You think to yourself with a cringe.

You push off the blanket and sit up, then you take a look around the cell. An officer walks up to the cell door and bangs on the bars, Itto kicks around and falls out of his bed with a thud, startled from the noise.

"Breakfast, eat up." the Officer says while sliding two plates into the cell.

Itto rubs his eyes then grabs a plate and looks at the contents, it's tofu.

"Are you kidding me!?" He groggily shouts, "Hello?! I have a bean allergy! What am I supposed to do with this? I'm not eating this!"

"Starve then." the Officer coldly responds.

Itto rushes to the cell door in a rage, but the Officer only walks away with a scoff. A defeated Itto sulks back to the bed and pushes the plate aside, then rests his chin into his hand with a pout.

"You can have my breakfast, it isn't tofu," you anxiously offer, handing your plate to him.

Itto's face lights up, "Deal! You can have mine!" He takes your plate and then hands you his.

The tofu isn't very appealing, it has a strange scent and an even stranger texture. You poke it with the old chopsticks and eventually eat it, it feels strange in your stomach but it's better than nothing.

"Blegh!" Itto gags, "This breakfast is awful! *takes bite* What happened to the old cook? The old cook wouldn't have made anything like this. *takes bite* I remember the last time I got locked up and the food was somewhat good, this is garbage! *takes bite*" You blankly stare at him.

You take a small piece of chalk then face the wall behind you to begin drawing on it, it's a good time to occupy yourself with something.

"Hey, what are you drawing?" Itto asks, putting down an empty plate.

"The outside," you respond, "I like drawing landscapes, using the chalk to create little sketches is how I pass most of the time."

"Looks sweet!" Itto compliments, "What's the pair of boobs there for though?"

"Itto, those are mountains." You say with a pause.

"Ohhhh," Itto says leaning back, "the roundness had me confused, sorry, still a good drawing though!"

You crack a small smile, then turn to face Itto. "Do you have any hobbies?"

"Oh yeah! Plenty!" Itto says, his face suddenly brightening up, "Beetle fighting, trading cards, combing my hair, eating, sleeping, you name it, I do it!"

"Beetle fighting?" You question, "How does that go?"

"Ohoho, okay so here's how it works!" Itto postures himself to get into the explaining, "First you get yourself an Onikabuto Beetle, second you get an opponent that also has an Onikabuto Beetle, and third you both let your beetles fight! Hehehe, sounds cool, eh?"

"Yeah, it does," you respond, "but how do they fight?"

"Ohhh, well the strongest beetle wins!" Itto says with a cheer, "First the beetles start fighting it out with their horns! And eventually, the beetle that flips the other beetle is the winner!" Itto gets excited just talking about it.

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