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Hello to whoever is reading this, this introduction is just here to discuss the contents along with creation and thought process.

 I honestly have no idea why I made this or the Diluc fanfic but unfortunately they exist, I guess it's a product of boredom. Anyways, this fanfic was rushed like hell, and on top of it being rushed it was procrastinated like hell, I even procrastinated on this fic more than the Diluc fic. Glad I eventually forced myself to finish it because this was starting to collect dust.

This fanfic is made for all genders, so all my guys gals and enby pals can enjoy being Itto's cellmate, lover and cum rag.

This fanfic also has fucking in it, and I'm hoping the scene isn't too long because for some reason I was bending over backwards trying to be as detailed as possible, so there may be too many words. It's the reason why Chapter 4 is like 1.5x bigger than the rest of the chapters. Also I abstained from masturbating for like a whole week and a half to gather enough horny energy to make the scene's writing as vivid and vulgar as possible. Hope it's not too similar to the Diluc scene either because my creativity with writing sex is horribly limited.

Long story short, if you're not horny and weird you'll want to avoid Chapter 4 like it's a plague, but hell if you're reading this you're most likely very horny and weird.

Also, something to keep in mind is that these events are supposed to be after Itto gets arrested in his story quest.

Hopefully this is better than the Diluc fanfic because I'm sort of disappointed in how that one unfolded, at least the scene was hot.

Hope you enjoy the reading, feel free to check out the Diluc one as well if you want.

(FEBRUARY 13TH UPDATE: the sequel to this fanfic is done! If you're interested in seeing a follow-up to this story when you've finished it feel free to check that out!)

(AUGUST 22ND UPDATE: New cover inspired by my Aunt's romance novel collection and potential upcoming rewrite! Keep an eye on the fic, it may get completely re-written!)

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